Wanna win FREE STEAKS FOR A YEAR and a WEBER GENESIS E-330 GAS GRILL? All you gotta do is Show Your Longhorn Steakhouse Grill Marks. If you’re one of 400 lucky winners, you could win A Free Entree of your choice. And one lucky steak lover will take home the Grand Prize – A WEBER GENESIS E-330 gas grill, Plus Free Steaks for a Year from your favorite LongHorn in case you get tired of grilling out for yourself.
Sweepstakes Rating:
Eligibility: US, DC, 18 and older
Entry Date: July 3, 2014 ends on July 31, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. ET
Website Entry | Official Rules
Visit your local LongHorn Steakhouse, order your favorite grilled dish, and snap a photo that displays “the grill marks”. Then, post your Photo on the website, Instagram, or Twitter. Photos will not be judged
Instagram or Twitter: Post your Photo to your Instagram or Twitter feed and include the required hashtag #LHGrillMarksSweeps After posting your Photo, the Sponsor will comment on your post and require you to complete and submit the Sweepstakes registration form.
Mail-in Entry: To enter without making a purchase, hand print your name, address, day and evening phone numbers, email address (if any), and date of birth on a 3″ x 5″ piece of paper and mail it in an envelope with proper postage to
“LongHorn® Steakhouse Show Us Your Grill Marks”
c/o HelloWorld, Inc.
PO Box 5812, Department: 812925
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-5812
You will receive one entry into the applicable Weekly Entry Period drawing and one entry into the Grand Prize drawing. Entries that are postmarked on Saturday, will be included in the drawings for applicable Saturday as well as the following Sunday. Limit: One entry per envelope. All mail-in entries must be handwritten and must be postmarked and received by the dates below:
- July 9, July 16, July 23, July 31, 2014
Entry Limit: one entry per person per day, regardless of method of entry + additional entries for sharing.
One (1) Grand Prize: a Weber® Genesis E330 Grill and twelve (12) monthly digital coupons, which will be good for a specific steak dinner. Winners will receive an email with one digital coupon for specific steak dinner each month for one calendar year; coupons will expire at the end of the month in which they are provided. ARV: $1,245.68
Four Hundred (400) Weekly Prizes (100 per week): one digital coupon for one free entrée of winner’s choice at LongHorn Coupons will expire thirty (30) days after date of issue. ARV: $25
Prize Limit: one (1) Grand Prize and one (1) Weekly Prize per person.
Random Drawing: July 18, July 25, August 1, and August 11, 2014
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