June 27th is Free #SunglassesDay with @VSPVisionCare & @DragonAlliance because of the annual Tweetstakes. This year we’re at it again, and you can snag a free pair of Dragon floatable suns.
If you’ve taken part in the #SunglassesDay Tweetstakes before, you know we love to include a good cause. This year, we’re teaming up with up-and-coming non-profit The View From 42. Randy Abbott, the founder, touches the lives of people with disabilities, including disabled veterans like himself.For every entry in the #SunglassesDay Tweetstakes, we’ll give a dollar to Dragon toward sunglasses for the veterans Randy works with – up to $3,000!
Sweepstakes Rating: Okay (Official Rules)
Eligibility: US, DC, 18 and older
Entry Dates: June 27, 2014 at 7:00 a.m. PT (10:00 am ET) and ends on June 27, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. PT (10:00 pm ET)
How to Enter:
1; Follow @VSPVisionCare and @DragonAlliance on Twitter.
2. Visit the Dragon Alliance Floatable Sunglasses Collection
3. Click on the pair you like the most and tweet the link to it and/or the name of it (you can even select “tweet” from beneath the product right on the website)
4. Make sure you tag @dragonalliance and include the hashtag #SunglassesDay in your tweet.
Example: I love these THE JAM @dragonalliance floatable sunnies! http://ow.ly/vZW3I #sunglassesday
Entry Limits: Enter up to 5 times per hour.
Twelve (12) Prizes: a single pair of Dragon Floatable (non-prescription) Sunglasses. ARV: $180.
Random Drawing: Every hour and Winners will be DM’d on Twitter.
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