Take the Yahoo Finance No Spend Challenge and you could win $100 or $500 in cash. Three winners will be chosen each week. Yahoo Finance wants to help you get financially fit in 2019. Throughout January, they are hosting a No Spend Challenge to help you reach your financial goals this year.
Enter by email. And that’s it! Every Friday Yahoo Finance will announce three winners of $100. At the end of the month, one winner will be awarded a grand prize of $500.
Email: Send an email to [email protected] with NO SPEND CHALLENGE in the subject line and explain ways you’re saving money. Limit one entry per person. Submissions must be in English.
Each Friday during the Entry Period, Sponsor will select the names of 3 potential Weekly Winners in a random drawing of all eligible entries received from the start of the Entry Period, until 11:59 pm ET on the Thursday before the applicable Friday drawing date. Non-winning weekly entries will be included in subsequent weekly drawings. At the conclusion of the Entry Period, Sponsor will select the name of one potential Grand Prize Winner in a random drawing of all eligible entries received during the Entry Period.
Grand Prize (1): $500 Amex or VISA gift card (to be determined by Sponsor).
Weekly Prize (3 per week): $100 Amex or VISA gift card (to be determined by Sponsor).
Official Rules: Open to US, 18+. Begins on January 1, 2019 and ends on January 31, 2019.
Ray Frazier says
I am a weekly winner…oh, and did a video also! thanks so much Sweetie Sweeps!!