Download the WWE Champions app on your mobile device and play the game to accumulate points to enter the WWE Champions Real World Prize Contest
Official Rules: open to US, Canada, (void Quebec), United Kingdom, 18/age of majority and older. Begins on March 29 at 4:00 PM PT and ends on April 4, 2018 at 4:00 pm PT. One entry per person.
App Entry: Download the WWE Champions app on your mobile device and follow the instructions to register and play. The app is available for free on the Apple App Store or Google Play. During the Contest Period, use the app to play the WWE Champions game and accumulate points. The total points for one game play will be used by Sponsor to determine the Contest winners. A game play constitutes the start of a game through the end of that same game as identified on the WWE Champions app. Any discontinued game is ineligible.
Prize Winners will be determined by the Sponsor based upon the highest point total accumulated by an entrant for the contest period.
Grand Prize (1): A trip for two to WrestleMania 34 in New Orleans. Prize consists of: Two tickets to WrestleMania 34 at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans, LA on Sunday April 8, 2018; round trip coach air transportation for winner and guest between major airport nearest winner’s residence and New Orleans, LA; hotel accommodations (double occupancy) for the nights of April 6-8, 2018; and ground transfers between airport/hotel and hotel/venue. If winner lives within 250 miles of New Orleans, LA ground transportation may be substituted in lieu of air travel. ARV: $3,000
First Prize (1): A signed WWE Title Belt. Belt is a replica of the real title belts used in the WWE. Belt will be signed by a WWE Superstar to be determined solely in the discretion of the Sponsor. ARV: $500
Second Prize (1): Wrestlemania 34 event folding chair. ARV: $250
First off I why is it John Cena and Nikki Bella call off wedding then they are supposedly spotted back
Together I feel it bogus that what wwe gets pulls is this phony skit part of see show lies I mean seriously
Really?I like say John Cena is biggest liar hypocrite and fraud phony on this planet he embarrasses himself by proposing to Nikki Bella then after he does so he calls off wedding plans now begs for her forgiveness I dunno why idiot says he loves still.Nikki Bella when he was one who you are biggesst liar John Cena on saying you still marry Nicole Etc say come out on live tv saying it means having kids which you truly never wanted to have in first place but Nicole had wanted baby?You are powerful lie to her make a complete fool!Right out on national tv lie way will boundary me Nicole?Why helpless see still shove this idiot liar fraud right down are throats yo u John Dena truly sho we’d all of war now utterly pathetic disgrace you sadly are on your slogans on in so called word liar show people respect huh but do complete opposite but saying I’m breaking off call off wedding hey shows clearly you real true colors for who lost phony fraud of wwe totally sad is that beige my JohnCena on someone should say too you be honestly can not act so again is this part of war tv’s show a phony skit you are so weird hey nobody knows what to believe since wwe are just acting most of time whoops do then now you two are back together I have no sorry or self pity for moron who has lived to.all of his wwe fans you dashboard how much liar phony you are what respect means you so early Mr.Dena don’t live by yours words of if you did why do post do you John Cena post your children comments on Instagram make fun of everyone
You not turn heel John Cena hey there’s another lie on your Instagram you just did oh you like Donald Trump talk.about everything everyone make fun of dude prejudice infighting comments on everyone posted on your disgusting Instagram get four liar fraud phony John Cena because mabeythis anybody see wrestling fans can not stand you for seeing real true colors morphing t-shirt you wear excluSion Cena
Doesn’t live by his own very words now has The Rock putting sad moron in movie John Cenacan not act you suck !at it like wrestling does get real.job loser!