Do your kids like to make slime? Create a delightfully gooey slime recipe using products you get from Michaels. Make a 30-second to 1-minute video showing off your slime and enter for your chance to win daily prizes from Michaels
Click Here to Enter | Official Rules
Official Rules: US, 18+/majority. Begins on October 7 and ends on October 21, 2018. One entry per person per day.
This Contest intended for kids.
To enter Complete the online entry form, which includes your email address and the title of your artwork, and; upload a .mov or .mp4 file of no more than 200MB that is between 30 and 60 seconds in length depicting your most creative slime creation.
Judging Criteria: Creativity of the slime (50%); quality of the video production (50%).
Grand Prize (1): A year’s supply of Elmer’s glue (fulfilled as fifty-two 5-fl. oz. bottles of Elmer’s Clear Glue), and a $500 Michaels gift card. The Grand Prize winning Entry will be posted on Michaels’ YouTube channel, and the recipe for the Grand Prize winning Entry will be posted on the Michaels KIDS microsite. ARV: $940
Daily Prize (15): A Michaels Slime Party sponsored by Elmer’s. ARV: $100
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