Ultimate American Dad Fan Designer Christian Cowan has had the chance to dress Lady Gaga, Cardi B, Kylie Jenner but his dream has always been to dress… Roger. Roger has been a lot of things (Ricky Spanish), and now he can add fashion muse to the list. Christian Cowan’s New York Fashion Week collection featured American Dad inspired looks, and now Roger will be wearing his clothes … in a series of pins you can win. Enter the American Dad & Christian Cowan Sweepstakes and you could add these pins to your fashion collection.
Click Here to Enter | Official Rules
Official Rules: US, 18+. Begins on September 12 and ends on November 2, 2018. One entry per person.
Grand Prize (150): Three pins of the American Dad character, Roger, customized by fashion designer Christian Cowan. ARV: $12
David A Dunham says
Thanks so much for the pins Roger had never looked so good until now 🙂