Play the Six Flags Summer Single Day Ticket Instant Win Game and get a taste of adventure and thrills with an adult single day ticket to Six Flags.
Official Rules: US, 13+. Begins on July 16 and ends on August 13, 2018. Twenty-five entries per person per day.
Free Online Method of Play: During the Promotion Period, to play without making a purchase, using a Device, or scanning an icon, visit and follow the links and instructions to log in to your Account. Then CLICK HERE and click “Play Entry” to receive 1 Instant Win Game play.
Code Entry on or using the App: Visit Follow the links and instructions to navigate to this Instant Win Game tile and to enter or scan a unique code located under the product cap or located on the product packaging of any participating Coca-Cola product (CLICK HERE for list) in the space provided and you will receive one Instant Win Game play. Alternatively, during the Promotion Period, log into the App, then, navigate to the “Experiences” section, navigate to this Instant Win Game, and follow the links and instructions to enter or scan a unique Code in the space provided and you will receive one Instant Win Game play.
Scanning Icon on or using the App: Visit and follow the links and instructions to log in to your Account. Then, follow the links and instructions to use your Device to scan one sip & scan icon found on any participating Coca-Cola product packaging (CLICK HERE for list). Then, take the steps to claim your Instant Win Game play from the “My Rewards” tab, and you will receive one Instant Win Game play. Alternatively, during the Promotion Period, log into the App, then using your Device and the App, navigate to the “Experiences” section, navigate to this Instant Win Game, and follow the links and instructions to use your Device to scan one sip & scan icon found on Sponsor’s packaging and you will receive one Instant Win Game play.
Grand Prize (2,500): An adult Six Flags single day ticket for 2018 season only, fulfilled as a .pdf, ARV: $80. You may print the ticket or show the .pdf on your smart phone for admission.
Prize Limit: one prize per person.
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