Want to be the proud owner of a @SamsungCamera NXmini? It’s easy! Take a Wefie (a.k.a. group selfie) and you could win one. Move over, selfies! A new wave of photos has taken the world by storm. Everyone from your best friend to your favorite celebrity is foregoing the lonesome shots of their face and opting for a group selfie, aptly coined the “wefie.” If the former was all about making your face look good (45-degree angle! Duck face!), the latter is all about having fun and capturing a special moment. Samsung SMART CAMERA’s newest addition—the NX mini—along with the NX300M are perfect examples of devices that make this whole wefie thing a whole lot easier and infinitely more fun (which, incidentally, we’re calling #WefieNX).
Sweepstakes Rating: Okay (Official Rules)
Eligibility: open to anyone with Instagram, Facebook or Twitter account, 21 years old or older
Entry Dates: April 30, 2014 and ends on May 30, 2014
How to Enter:
- Take a Wefie with Family or Closest friends. (including pets)
- Upload the shot on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #WefieNX and tag @SamsungCamera.
Bonus Points: Follow @SamsungCamera on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.
Entry Limit: unlimited
Ten (10) Prizes: Samsung NXmini Camera. ARV: $549.99
On June 10. 2014, Samsung will review the photo submitted and select ten (10) winners who best showcases the mission. Photos that match timely #hashtags and demonstrate unusual creativity.
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