Play the Better Crocker Great Snacks instant win game to win 1 of 5,000 Fruit snacks for a year awarded as twelve 24-count party packs.
Eligibility: US, 8+
Entry Dates: begins on August 1, 2011 and ends at 11:59 p.m. ET April 30, 2012
How to Play: visit
Entry Limit: one code redemption and instant win game play per day.
Free Code: 16000-12345
Codes can also be found on specially-marked packages of Fruit Gushers, Fruit Roll-Ups, or Fruit by the Foot fruit flavored snacks.
Five Thousand (5,000) Instant Win Prizes: A year’s supply of assorted fruit flavored snacks awarded as twelve (12) Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks 24-Count Fun-Size Party Packs ($59.88).
Between August 1, 2011 and October 31, 2011, there will be 3,500 random, computer-generated winning times. Between November 1, 2011 and April 30, 2012, there will be one 1,500 random, computer-generated winning times.
Prize Limit: one instant win game prize per person.
Rules: Embedded
Sweeps Rating: Good (lasts 8 months and will be advertised in every product across the country)
kimber says
Just won……my kids will love this!!!
Hilda Henriquez says
I rec mines to day and I just won this monday boy was that fast I have for kids and we go through fruit snacks fast thanks wendy
Jan says
I just won….Yeah…
Alley says
I got my prize two big boxes of 24 packs. Whaoo
Izzy says
I received my box a few days ago. This will not last a year in our house, lol. I don’t like them, but all of my siblings do! They will make quick work of them.
amy says
I won!
Catherine says
Won the years supply of fruit snacks. YUM ! can’t wait for
this prize ! This is a nice IW! thanks Wendy for posting this IWG for us.
I hadn’t won anything for a while and finally won this tonight.
melissa says
I won!
Shari says
I won & received my prize. 🙂
Sharada says
Wow I won!! Thanks!
cynthia says
I won the year of fruit snacks and the next night i told my son to play and he won 1 year tooooooooooo yeahhhhhh
Rachel Salinas says
I just won this and I’m SO excited! 🙂
Cindy says
I thought this was never going to happen…finally, I WON! It seems like I’d been entering this contest for years! lol.
Sharada says
My years supply came on UPS today, 24 boxes of them!!
Sharada says
Oops 12 boxes of 24 snack packs is what I meant to say!