Enter for your chance to win a fully accessorized Sea‑Doo personal watercraft. The winner will get to fully customize your ride with Sea-Doo accessories up to a total value of $20,000 USD (including vehicle and accessories).
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Enter at sea-doo.brp.com/win-your-dream-sea-doo
ELIGIBILITY: US, Canada, Void NY, FL, who has a valid driver’s license, 18+
END DATE: December 31, 2025
LIMIT: One Entry
Grand Prize (1): choice of one fully‐accessorized Sea‐Doo personal watercraft or one fully accessorized Ski-Doo snowmobile or one fully accessorized Can-Am Off-Road vehicle or one fully accessorized Can-Am On-Road vehicle or one fully accessorized Lynx snowmobile. ARV up to $20,000 – $24,000
Winner will be responsible for transporting the unit from their local Dealership to winner’s desired location. The winner will be chosen at random on January 15, 2026, and informed within 5 business days of the draw.
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