SWEETIES PICK! Enter for a chance to #win one of the 14,773,100 Secret Reward cards ranging in value from $10 to $500 in the Victoria’s Secret Secret Reward Instant Win Game.
Sweepstakes Rating: Sweeties Pick/Winnable (Official Rules)
Eligibility: US, DC, Canada (excluding Quebec), 18/age of majority and older (19 in Alabama and Nebraska; 21 in Mississippi)
Entry Dates: February 12, 2016 and ends at 11:59 pm PT on March 28, 2016
Entry Periods:
- Angel Early Access (Angel credit cardholders) February 12 to February 24, 2016
- PINK Nation Members Early Access February 21, 2016
- General Access February 25 to March 28, 2016
Enter by Making a Purchase:
Period 1: During Period 1, each eligible entrant who is an Angel Credit Cardholder as of the Period 1 Start Date may enter by making a qualifying purchase of USD $10 or more (exclusive of shipping, handling, tax, and incidental charges) using his/her Angel Card: (I) at participating Victoria’s Secret stores in the US or PR, (II) online at VictoriasSecret.com using a valid Angel Early Access offer code, or through the Victoria’s Secret catalogue.
Period 2: eligible entrants who show they are PINK Nation Members or use a valid PINK Nation offer code may enter by making a qualifying purchase of USD $10 or more (exclusive of shipping, handling, tax, and incidental charges) at participating Victoria’s Secret stores in the US or PR, online on the VS Site, or through the Catalogue.
Period 3: all eligible entrants may enter by making a qualifying purchase of USD $10 or more (exclusive of shipping, handling, tax, and incidental charges) at participating Victoria’s Secret stores in the US or PR, online on the VS Site, or through the Catalogue.
Canadian Residents Period 3: all eligible entrants may enter by making a qualifying purchase of CAD $10 or more (exclusive of shipping, handling, tax, and incidental charges) at participating Victoria’s Secret stores in Canada.
Bonus Incentives: Sponsor may provide bonus Secret Reward Card incentives at random during the Secret Reward Game Period, while supplies last, in its sole discretion. Eligible entrants may receive bonus entries, through any bonus entry offers that are made available during the Secret Reward Game Period, by making the qualifying purchase associated with any such available bonus entry incentive using any applicable bonus incentive offer code.
Enter By Mail Without Making a Purchase:
Period 1 Eligible entrants who are Angel Credit Cardholders as of the Period 1 Start Date may enter by mail during Period 1 without making a purchase by legibly hand-printing your full name, billing address associated with your Angel Card account, valid email address, and year of birth on a 4” x 6” piece of paper, and mailing it, along with a legibly handwritten, self-addressed, stamped envelope with sufficient return postage and a return address, including first and last name, street address, city, state and ZIP or postal code, both in a sealed outer envelope with proper postage to:
Victoria’s Secret Secret Reward Promotion
P.O. Box 139024
Dallas, TX 75313
Outer envelope of Angel Early Access Mail-in Entry must be postmarked by February 24, 2016, and received by March 2, 2016
Period 2: Eligible entrants who are PINK Nation Members as of the Period 2 Start Date may enter by mail during Period 2 without making a purchase by following the Mail-in Entry process described above.Outer envelope of PINK Nation Mail-in Entry must be postmarked by February 22, 2016, and received by February 29, 2016
Period 3: enter by mail during Period 3 without making a purchase by legibly hand-printing your full name, address, valid email address, and date and year of birth on a 4” x 6” piece of paper, and mailing it, along with a legibly handwritten, self-addressed, stamped envelope with sufficient return postage and a return address, including first and last name, street address, city, state and ZIP or postal code, both in a sealed outer envelope with proper postage to:
Victoria’s Secret Secret Reward Promotion
P.O. Box 139024
Dallas, TX 75313
Outer envelope of General Access Mail-in Entry must be postmarked by March 28, 2016, and received by April 4, 2016 in order to be eligible.
Bonus Incentives: Sponsor may provide bonus Secret Reward Card incentives at random during the Secret Reward Game Period, while supplies last, in its sole discretion. Eligible mail-in entrants will automatically receive bonus entries that are made available to those entering by making a purchase during the Secret Reward Game Period. Such bonus entires will automatically be sent by mail to eligible entrants when their allotted single mail-in entry for that day is postmarked on the date(s) during which bonus incentives are offered; provided, however, that any bonus incentive offered on a Sunday or federal holiday will be automatically offered to those who enter by mail and postmark their mail-in entry on the business day following such day.
Once your fully completed eligible mail-in entry is received, you will be sent one Secret Reward Card via postal mail in approximately fifteen (15) business days (i.e. excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) from the date the mail-in entry was received. Mail-in entries, including both outer envelope and self-addressed, stamped envelope, must be handwritten. Each mail-in entry must be mailed in a separate stamped outer mailing envelope (i.e. more than one entry may not be mass mailed in one envelope). Each outer envelope must include a return address in the upper left hand corner that matches the requestor’s street address indicated on 4” x 6” piece of paper included in the mail-in entry. Requests from Vermont residents that are postmarked in VT may omit return postage. Requests that are sent in business reply envelopes, that utilize address labels or stickers (for any address), that are photocopied, hand-stamped, computer-generated or otherwise mechanically or digitally produced or reproduced, or that otherwise fail to comply with these Official Rules will NOT be honored, acknowledged or returned, and the persons submitting such requests will forfeit any corresponding postage and envelopes.
Entry Limit: one Secret Reward Card per person/household/email address per day, regardless of method of entry. Daily entry limit for mail-in entries will be validated by postmark date.
US and PR Victoria’s Secret Instant Win Game Prizes:
- (10,088) $500 Secret Reward Cards
- (41,074) $100 Secret Reward Cards
- (75,952) $50 Secret Reward Cards
- (127,154) $20 Secret Reward Cards
- (13,920,647) $10 Secret Reward Cards
Canada Victoria’s Secret Instant Win Game Prizes:
- (253) $500 Secret Reward Cards
- (1,029) $100 Secret Reward Cards
- (1,902) $50 Secret Reward Cards
- (9,126) $20 Secret Reward Cards
- (348,690) $10 Secret Reward Cards
Secret Reward Card Redemption: Secret Reward Card redemption begins at 12:01 AM PT on March 29, 2016. Secret Reward Cards may not be redeemed prior to the Redemption Start Date and all Secret Reward Cards must be redeemed by 11:59 PM PT on April 27, 2016, at which time any unused value will be removed. To find out the value of your Secret Reward Card, follow the instructions below:
Stores (US, PR and Canada): Present your Secret Reward Card at the register at checkout. Discount will be deducted from your total after Secret Reward value is applied. You may also present your Secret Reward Card to a store associate to determine the value of your Secret Reward Card without making a purchase.
Online (US and PR only): Add any in-stock merchandise to your shopping bag and enter your Secret Reward card number and PIN in the Gift Cards field of the “Payment & Order Review” section during checkout. Your discount will be deducted after the card number and PIN have been applied. You may also visit www.VictoriasSecret.com/gifts/gift-cards and enter your Secret Reward Card Number and PIN to determine the value of your Secret Reward Card without making a purchase.
Phone (US and PR only): Beginning on the Redemption Start Date, you may call Victoria’s Secret’s toll-free number at 1-888-550-7465 and follow the instructions to speak with an Associate to determine the value of your Secret Reward Card.
You do not have to make a purchase to determine the value of your Rewards Card. There is a limit of one Secret Reward Card redemption per person per store visit and online/catalogue purchase transaction
I got my Secret Reward card early because I’m have an Angel card. Hopefully I get a better reward this year than the $10 ones I usually get 🙂
The promotion gets worse and worse every iteration. They used to email you the SR codes (up to 60 per person) without you having to mail anything in. Now you have to mail a SASE, $1 of stamps, and write a million things. Self addressed envelopes, just one redemption per visit & Show Id with name to match name on mailed SRC.
What a waste of time and money. They make us jump through hoops and discomfort to get a stack of $10 coupons that are so difficult to use. When you use your $10 codes, the store people treat you like you are stealing and they are so STRICT. Well, we earned the secret cards with our blood, sweat, and tears by following their outrageous official rules.
Let’s show victoria’s secret that they have gone too far this time by limiting one card redemption per VISIT. Boycott Victoria Secrets from now on! There stuff is overpriced anyway, The only reason they offer AMOE is because they HAVE TO by LAW, not by the generosity of their corporate heart! They are making it so painful for AMOE customers, that they are twisting the law and should be help responsible.
The Secret Rewards promotion gets worse and worse every iteration. They used to email you the Secret Rewards codes (up to 60 per person) without you having to mail anything in. You just had to send them email requests. Now you have to mail a SASE, $1 of stamps, and write a million things. Self addressed envelopes, just one redemption per visit, & Show Id with name to match name on mailed SRC, and non stackable. What a waste of time and money.
They make us jump through hoops and discomfort to get a stack of $10 coupons that are so difficult to use. When you use your $10 codes in store, the store people treat you like you are stealing and they are so STRICT. Well, we earned the secret cards with our blood, sweat, and tears by following their outrageous official rules.
Let’s show victoria’s secret that they have gone too far this time when they limited one card redemption per VISIT. Boycott Victoria’s Secret stores and websites from now on! Their stuff is overpriced anyway, that’s why everything is always 50% off. They are just trying to fool you.
The only reason they offer AMOE is because they HAVE TO by LAW. They can’t give a bonus to only PAYING customers. They are not offering AMOE from the generosity of their corporate heart! They are making it so painful for AMOE customers, that they are twisting the law and should be help responsible by the agency that governs sweepstakes and contests!
Really??? Blood, sweat and tears over entering ?
You are dramatic wow!
I’m used to getting unfriendly looks and the silent treatment from cashiers when I redeem things like this and I’m not paying out of pocket. All I think to myself is “it’s not their money, no reason to be rude!” And let it go. I’ll go in once a day for a free panty or lotion, because I can 🙂
Just read Andrew’s comment and agree. Didn’t know about the restrictions for redemption of the cards. All of this for a $10 rewards card and the funny thing is that there is nothing in the store that is under $10. I noticed the increase of the prices when the sweepstakes occur. If I can only redeem one per store and then have to show a form of identification, what is next a fingerprint of your thumb. If it was a $100 or $500 card I would be okay with that, but a $10 card not really. Plus I am spending more money to use the $10 gift card. Good Luck to all.
I want to say that the cards have always stated one per visit but I’ve never seen them stick to the rule. Has anyone attempted to use more than one this year and been told no?
yea my VS let me use all of them together me and my friend paid like 8$ for like 3 sets of the $25 panty deals it was awesome
I love VS!
Prices are good, quality great and never had a problem with them.
You can boycott them over a contest that lays out the rules clearly but I really don’t think they will miss you.
If you are unhappy with the way its run then don’t waste your time or money.
Simple enough
it’s my first time entering something like this, so can someone please clarify for me?
If i want to enter for Period 3 of the mail-ins (not a VS member of any time and without purchase), the only days to mail in are between March 28th and April 4th? would that be a total of 6 entries?
Or does it mean that I can start entering all through the month of March until the 28th?
You may enter now without an account. You can mail one per postal delivery day until March 28th. Good luck! I hope you get a good one. I can’t see it not being worth it for me. It is almost $9 of free money on each card.
Can someone please clarify something for me? Do you have to write your name and address on the left corner as well as the middle of the SASE? Some people say if not they are thrown out? I cannot seem to get a clear answer. It seems redundant to me to put it on there twice when it is not from you. Thanks in advance.
I have sent in about 5 of these in my life so I could be SOOOOO wrong. I do not put my return anywhere but the center of the envelope. I have not had an issue before but I have no experience with this company. Have you signed up for Sweeping 101 on here? They covered mail in rules in one letter but I can’t remember the rule on this.
Has anyone received their codes yet?
Not me. It said 15 business days so I’m guessing it’ll be about 3 weeks? I’ll post on here when I get mine. I sent my first one out the first day.
Thanks, Lisa 🙂
I was just going to ask this too. I don’t want to waste money on the stamps and I’ve already sent for a few.
I’ve been checking daily and nothing yet.
I seriously just got 3 envelopes today. I had given up!!
It is what it is. I’m one of their best customers always making purchases and receiving freebies through their constant string of promotions. I spend a lot on their clothes and beauty products throughout the year. I have never had one of their clerks give me dirty looks for using them and I have no problem cashing in on these because I’ve earned them. I have used my secret rewards towards sale and clearance online before. I love the clothes and lingerie. I pratically live in Pink 🙂 they are so comfortable.
I want to win these great gifts from Victoria’s Secret. I hope that I win !!!!! [email protected]
I sent in 7 sases over the last month and have not had one of them returned with a card yet… has anyone else not received anything back yet from their sases? thank you
I stopped sending them in about a week ago because I haven’t got anything at all back yet. I’ll post on here as soon as I see anything.
I haven’t received anything either and I’ve been mailing since day one. Anyone else have luck?
Just received my first SASE back today. It had two cards inside..so it may have been given to me because of a BONUS.
Yay!! I hope my start showing up. I got nothing again today. Good luck on yours!
I sent in only 2 SASE and got back 4 rewards a few days ago.
Nothing yet and I sent my first one out on March 1st… I wonder if I did something wrong
I sent mine out from day one and I just got 3 back today. I sent 15-20 before I stopped.
Finally starting coming in! Got four back so far 🙂
They have a sale going on right now thru June Buy 2 lotion/spray for $10 for their new scents. Just buy one item at a time. Walk in and out of the store. It’s worth it, put them away for xmas gifts.
Normally these are $18 for just one!