Share a video for a chance to be entered in the Tolkowsky Ideal Love Contest and win a romantic trip of a lifetime to Antwerp, Belgium and Paris, France, complete with a Tolkowsky® ring of his or her choice*, and four finalists will receive a pair of ideal-cut Tolkowsky® earrings
Sweepstakes Rating:
Eligibility: US DC, 18 and older
Contest Entry Dates: September 15, 2014 and ends 11:59 pm ET on October 10, 2014
Sweepstakes Voting Dates: 10:00 am ET on November 3, 2014 to 11:59 pm ET on November 7, 2014
Website Entry | Official Rules
Upload a video of your ideal love and providing a written title to your Video to receive one entry into the Contest. The Video must be no longer than 60 seconds in length (Video file requirements are listed in rules). The title must not exceed thirty (30) characters.
Entry Limit: one entry per person/email address/Facebook account. There is a limit of one Vote per person/email address/Facebook® account per day throughout the Voting Period.
One (1) Contest Grand Prize: A 7-day/6-night (including one night traveling) trip for two (2) to Antwerp, Belgium and Paris, France and one (1) Tolkowsky ring of winner’s choice, worth up to $5,000. Trip includes round-trip coach class air transportation between major airport nearest winner’s residence to Belgium and from Paris, France back to major airport nearest winner’s residence, transportation via train from Antwerp, Belgium to Paris, France; hotel accommodations for three (3) nights in Antwerp and for two (2) nights in Paris [one (1) standard room, based on double occupancy]; participation in a Tolkowsky guided tour and diamond cutting class; one (1) polished loose 1/3 Carat Total Weight Tolkowsky Ideal cut diamond (ARV: $700); lunch with Jean Paul and Gabi Tolkowsky (subject to availability); a Sponsor-selected guided tour of Paris, ground transportation to/from airports/hotels/train station; and $1,000, awarded as a check to the winner only. ARV: $13,635
Four (4) Finalist Prizes: (who did not win the Grand Prize): Tolkowsky Round Cut Diamond Earrings ¾ Carat Total Weight ARV: $2,299.99
Five (5) Sweepstakes Prizes: A $100 Kay® Jewelers Gift Card
Judging Criteria: Originality/Creativity 40%; Relevance to Theme 30%; and Sincerity 30%.
Voter Sweepstakes Random Drawing: on or about November 10, 2014
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