Enter for your chance to win a trip for two to Japan in the The Seasons of Japan Autumn Getaway Sweepstakes
Sweeps Rating: Okay
Eligibility: United States; Ages 21 and older
Entry Dates: begins on 8/11/2014 and ends on 8/27/2014
Facebook Entry | Official Rules
Entry Limit: one entry per person.
One prize will be awarded, consisting of the themed Japan tour that the winner chose at the time of the Entry for the winner and one guest. Entries and prize are nontransferable. The award trip must be booked by October 31, 2014 and completed by December 30, 2014. The Prize includes the following: Two (2) coach class roundtrip air tickets for the winner and one guest on a carrier chosen by the Administrator to and from Haneda or Narita Airport, Tokyo, Japan, and to and from the major airport closest to the winner’s home, transfers to and from the U.S. airport are not included. Airport transfers to and from hotel and to Haneda or Narita International Airport for departure to U.S. are included. Double occupancy hotel accommodations are included for a total of 4 nights at a hotel(s) of the Administrators choosing. Some meals also included, but not all. Winner and guest are responsible for procuring appropriate documentation for travel to Japan from the U.S. Reservations for flights and hotel stay will be made through Administrator and/or their affiliated companies. Prize cannot be exchanged for cash. No prize transfer, assignment or substitution by winner or guest is permitted. ARV: $4,900.00
Drawing Date: 9/5/2014
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