Enter for your chance to win 1 of 14 Talbots gift card and holiday gift box in the Talbots Share Your Moments Sweepstakes
Official Rules: open to US, DC, 18 and older. Begins at 3:30 pm ET on November 14 and ends on December 17. No limit for entries per person during the Sweepstakes Period, but each entry must be unique.
Facebook Entry: Visit @Talbots, and share your favorite holiday moment/tradition by clicking the link to the landing page on any of the “Share Your Moments” Contest posts (which will be posted on or around November 14, November 22, December 6, and December 16) and submitting a photo during the Sweepstakes Period.
Instagram Entry:
- Follow @TalbotsOfficial
- Share your favorite holiday moment/tradition by using #sharethemoments and tagging @talbotsofficial in your caption and/or photo
Twitter Entry:
- Follow @TalbotsOfficial
- Click the link to the landing page (that will be tweeted by Talbots on or around November 14, November 22, December 6, and December 16) to share your favorite holiday moment/tradition during the Sweepstakes Period.
Four (4) Prizes: A surprise holiday gift box comprised primarily of Talbots’ merchandise and a $500 Talbots gift card. ARV: $750. Ten (10) Prizes: A surprise holiday gift box comprised of Talbots’ merchandise and a $50 Talbots gift card. ARV: $10
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