Enter for your chance to win one of 15 prizes consisting of A Christmas Story on Blu-ray and a handcrafted Ugly Sweater Torte cake from The Swiss Colony
Click Here to Enter | Official Rules
Official Rules: open to US, DC, 21 and older. Begins on November 7 and ends on November 17. One entry per person.
Please Note: By entering the sweepstakes via the on-line entry method, the entrant consents to receive, and grants the Sponsor permission to send to him/her, future email communications regarding services, incentives, offers, promotions, or other messaging related to the Sponsor’s services. In each future email communication, entrant will have the opportunity to opt-out to avoid receiving further email communications. To enter the sweepstakes without providing consent to future email communications from Sponsor, please use the mail-in entry method.
Mail-in Entry: print the following information on a 3″ x 5″ card: the words The Swiss Colony A Christmas Story Sweepstakes, your first and last name, date of birth, address (no P.O. boxes accepted), city, state, zip code, telephone number, email address, and the words I have read and accept the Official Rules. Then mail the completed 3”x5” card in a stamped #10 business envelope to:
“The Swiss Colony A Christmas Story Sweepstakes”
c/o Food Merchandising
1112 7th Avenue
Monroe, WI 53566
Fifteen (15) Prizes: One A Christmas Story Blu-ray and one Ugly Sweater Torte from The Swiss Colony. ARV: $44.98
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