Slingbox is giving away the ultimate cubicle makeover so you can enjoy the Madness in style. Slingobx will come to your office and deliver a truly comfortable chair, your own Slingbox 500, and an epic party meal for you and your office mates. Plus, 68 runners-up will win a Slingbox M1 to set themselves up for the big dance in the Sling Media Madness Cubed Sweepstakes.
Sweepstakes Rating: Okay
Eligibility: US, DC, (excluding Florida, New York, Rhode Island) 18 and older
Entry Dates: March 10, 2015 and end at 11:59 P.M. on March 28, 2015
Website Entry | Official Rules
Mail-in Entry: print your name, home address, email-address and daytime telephone number on a 5″ x 5″ to 4.25″ x 6″ post card and mail it to:
Sling Media Madness Cubed Sweepstakes
1051 East Hillsdale Blvd, Suite 500
Foster City, CA 94404.
Entry Limit: one entry per person
One (1) Grand Prize: a Slingbox 500, a private consultation with an event planner, branded college gear from a school of their choice and miscellaneous objects mutually agreed upon by the event planner and the grand prize winner. Additionally, the Grand Prize winner will receive food and non-alcoholic beverages for his/her office to watch the NCAA Finals on Monday April 6, 2015. ARV: $5,000.00.
Sixty-eight (68) Runner-up Prizes: a Slingbox M1. ARV $149.00
Random Drawing: on or about March 29, 2015
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