Enter the Schwan’s Tailgate at Your Place Instant Win Game for your chance to #win Visa gift cards, Fanatics.com gift codes, and coupons for Red Baron, Freschetta, or Tony’s pizzas.
Sweepstakes Rating: Okay
Eligibility: US, DC, 18/age of majority and older
Entry Dates: August 24, 2015 and ends on February 7, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. ET
Random Drawing: on or about October 12, November 11, December 10, 2015, January 12, and February 18, 2016
Website Entry Form | Official Rules
Schwan Tailgate Secret Codes: may be found on specially-marked Tony’s, Red Baron, and Frescheta Pizza boxes; and periodically on their branded social channels, and emails.
- tailg8
- p1zza
- f4m1ly
- pl4ybook
- k1ckoff
- 3xtr4 po1nt
- M3AT
- 1stDown
- v1ctory
- pi22er1a
- g4m3d4y
- gr1ll
- auth3nt1c
- R1s1ng- cru5t
- Ch33s3
- p3pp3r0n1
- F3ST1V3
- SN4P
- H1K3
- GAM3
- FUM8L3
- FL4G
- H4LFT1M3
- Y4RD
- S4F3TY
- S4CK
- OV3N
- D33PD1SH
- HOM3
- F4N
- SN4CK5
- CLA551C
- FR13ND5
- FR35H
- P1CK-6
- PL4Y-0FF
Entry Limit: one entry per person per day + bonus Sweepstakes entries for completing various activities (see rules for all the ways available)
Five (5) Grand Prizes (one per Entry Period): A check for $8,000, a $2,000 Best Buy gift card, and six (6) months of pizza for football season awarded in the form of 24 coupons, consisting of two coupons good for a free Tony’s® Pizza ($4.49 value), ten coupons good for a free Red Baron® pizza ($6.99 value), and twelve (12) coupons good for a free Freschetta® pizza ($8.39 value). ARV: $10,180
Instant Win Game Prizes:
- (100): A $100 Visa gift card
- (400) (at least two per day): $50 Visa gift card
- (650) (at least three per day): A $25 Fanatics.com gift code
- (146): A pizza prize pack including a coupon good for each of the following products: Red Baron, Freschetta, or Tony’s pizzas. ARV: $19.97
Prize Limit: one instant win prize per person
Susan Allen says
Havne’t found any keywords yet
jess says
v1ctory is also a code
cfiskyfisk says
Won $50 visa card 🙂
Michele T says
Julie says
If you mail in an entry is it 6 per period or 10=60 for the entire sweepstakes?I have almost quit entering anything for HelloWorld as they share your information worldwide.
katie Collins says
won a 100 visa. thanks
Mindi Eden says
Found a new code: F1ELD
Lourdes says
how do you find out if you instantly won?
Mindi Eden says
New code word: D3L1CIOU5
The Truth says
Thank you for sharing, Mindi! Good luck!
foofo says
Yes! just won $100 Visa Card!
Pat says
Pizza is the BEST……..
Ross Harvey says
Daniela says
I just won $50! Thank you!
Candice Dyer says
This says 1x per day but it keeps asking me if I want to play the IWG again?
mebisping says
You get extra chances to win with each code entered and for certain activities such as sharing with friends.
Bleu says
Nothing for me on this one. Can’t believe I entered this everyday since August 2015. Persistence didn’t pay off for me this time. 🙁
rita grut says
every time I try to entry my code word it don’t take it and the code is victory
rbear says
Where in the hell do you sign in ?? what is this ….make it confusing to put code in