Join Ruby Tuesday’s SoConnected Club for free and you could win a trip to Las Vegas and Free Ruby Tuesday for a year! Then play the instant win game daily for your chance to instantly win one of 1,000 Free Ruby Tuesday burgers through May 31!
Entrant must also confirm that he/she is a current So Connected email Club Member. Membership is free. If entrant is not a So Connected email Club Member, he/she may become one by checking the opt-in box on registration and following the instructions to become a member. Membership must be active for the duration of the Promotion and through prize fulfillment in order to be eligible to win a prize.
Additional Entries: After you Spin, click on Score More Grand Prize Entries to earn additional entries. See Rules for more information.
Free Mail-in Method of Entry: To receive additional entries without making a purchase, an eligible entrant may hand-write his/her complete first and last name (no initials), valid e-mail address, valid street address (P.O. Boxes not accepted), city, state, zip code, telephone number, and date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY) on a 3½”x5” card and mail it with sufficient postage to:
The Ruby Tuesday Hit the Burger Jackpot Promotion (PL12239)
P.O. Box 251328
West Bloomfield, MI 48325
Entrants who submit a Mail-In Request will receive one additional entry into the Sweepstakes. There is a limit of one Mail-in Request per person, per day, during the Promotion Period (combined with the receipt upload method described above). All Mail-In Requests must be postmarked by May 31, 2019 and received by June 7, 2019, in order to be eligible. Mail-In Requests must be legibly hand-written by entrant. Mechanical reproductions, postage-due, Mail-In Requests mailed in an envelope or sent in excess of the entry limits set forth below will not be accepted. Mail-In Requests received without a verifiable and legible return address will be deemed incomplete and not valid entries.
Grand Prize (1): A trip for two to Las Vegas, Nevada. Prize includes round-trip coach class air transportation from a major commercial airport near winner’s residence to Las Vegas, Nevada, for winner and one guest, six days and five nights’ hotel standard accommodations (single room/double occupancy) at a hotel selected by Sponsor in its sole discretion, Ruby Tuesday for a year, and $3,500 that can be used for ground transportation and spending money (awarded as a check made payable in the winner’s name). Ruby Tuesday for a year will be awarded as twelve $100 Ruby Tuesday gift cards. ARV: $9,700
Runner-up Prize (3): A Ruby Tuesday Catering delivery of Create Your Own Garden Bar and Burger Bar. Runner-Up Prizes will be awarded as a Ruby Tuesday gift card. ARV: $154
Instant Win Prize (1,000): One free burger. Prize awarded as a code redeemable at a participating Ruby Tuesday restaurant. Code expires 6/30/19. ARV: $11
There is a limit of one Sweepstakes prize and one Instant Win Game Prize per person during the Promotion Period.
Official Rules: US, Void HI, 18+. May 10 – May 31, 2019. One entry per person per day.
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