Enter the Ragu Saucesome Sweepstakes for your chance to win the $12,000 grand prize, or the weekly $1,000 prize!
Sweepstakes Rating: Okay
Eligibility: US, DC, 18 and older
Entry Dates: April 16, 2015 and ends on July 8, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. ET
Website Entry | Official Rules
Entry Limit: one entry per person per day + additional referral entries, share a recipe on Facebook and Twitter. You may receive up to five bonus entries per Weekly Entry Period through any combination of the methods described above.
One (1) Grand Prize: $12,000
Twelve (12) Weekly Prizes (one per week): $1,000
Prize Limit: one prize per person.
Random Drawing: on or about April 23, April 30, May 7, May 14, May 21, May 28, June 4, June 11, June 18, June 25, July, 2 and July 9, 2015.
caseylynberto says
Here’s my link! 🙂 Thanks!
AZAmethystGirl says
I just used caseylynberto KLink and would love & Appreciate it so very much if the next person or any person would PLEASE use my link!!!! https://ragu.promo.eprize.com/saucesome/?p=MjI0OTgsdHdpdHRlciwwM2Q1YzYwOTdmYTUwNmYwZmRiNmIyZGNhYTRjZmEyYQ%3D%3D
Thank You So Very much!!! HUGS Carol From AZ!!!
Jamie Martin says
I got you.
Mary says
I used AZAmethystGirl’s. Please use mine: https://ragu.promo.eprize.com/saucesome/?p=MjUwNzIsdHdpdHRlciwwMWVmYzQwOTA0MzlmMjVkNTFhNThiODdjNWFjZmM1OQ%3D%3D
Bonnie Wilks says
I used Mary’s Please use mine.
Jennifer says
I used Bonnie’s link. Here’s mine: https://ragu.promo.eprize.com/saucesome/?p=MzE3NzQsdHdpdHRlciw1MDU2ZjhjY2VkZWUxYzA2ZTNlNTYzNDZmYmIwNzVmYg%3D%3D
foofo says
I used Jennifer’s. Please use mine: https://ragu.promo.eprize.com/saucesome/?p=Mzk5ODIsdHdpdHRlcixiNzcwZjAzMWQ0Y2ZmNjUyOTU0MThkNjZlMDU0M2Q2OA
NYCMartini says
I used foofo’s link. Here is my link: https://ragu.promo.eprize.com/saucesome/?p=NTAxMTgsdHdpdHRlciw4YTRmZjU5ZjBmMmM2NjQwN2UxYWIzMGVmY2VjMTgzNA%3D%3D Thank you!
AGianecchini says
Yay, my turn. You’re welcome, NYCMartini. My turn: https://ragu.promo.eprize.com/saucesome/?view_recipe=9
Please and thank you!
Anderson says
I think only the long links with all the extra characters count as unique referrals. I think they are Pinterest links. Otherwise, you’re just being taken to a recipe page via the “[…]?view_recipe[…]” Facebook and Twitter links. Thus, a Pinterest account is required to gain referral entries in this sweepstakes. That’s my thought process, but I may be wrong.