Quaker Oats is giving away a gift of free cups oatmeal for #NationalOatmealDay Quaker Protein Instant Oatmeal Cranberry Almond on October 29th to celebrate (while supplies last)
Sweepstakes Rating: Okay (Official Rules)
Eligibility: US, DC, 18 and older, to send a Gift invitation and/or to redeem a Gift invitation.
Entry Dates: October 29, 2015, beginning at 12 a.m. ET and ending at 11:59 p.m. ET or when Gift supplies run out, whichever is earlier
To Send a Gift Invitation: During the Program Period, click on the link in an offer post on
Quaker Facebook or @Quaker Twitter and follow the directions provided to send Gift invitations to up to two (2) individuals, while supplies last. You and the individual(s) to whom you are sending a Gift invitation must have a Facebook or Twitter account. If you are using Facebook, you must be “friends” with such individual; if you are using Twitter, you must be “following” such individual. You also will be invited to receive a Gift yourself (while supplies last) by following the instructions provided; however, you may not send a Gift invitation to yourself.
To Redeem a Gift Invitation: During the Program Period, you must click on the link in the Gift invitation and follow the directions to complete the redemption form. Gifts will be available on a first come, first redeemed basis. An individual’s receipt of a Gift invitation does not guarantee that he/she will receive a Gift. If supplies of Gifts have run out by the time you attempt redeem a Gift invitation, you will not receive a Gift. Only the direct and intended recipient of a Gift invitation may redeem it. If you successfully redeem a Gift, allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Gift will only be mailed within the fifty (50) United States and District of Columbia.
There is a limit two Gift redemption requests per household
Prize: a gift of one cup of free Quaker® Protein Instant Oatmeal Cranberry Almond ARV: $1.29 can be sent to up to two friends
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