Enter the Outdoor Channel Spring Fever Sweepstakes to win cash, outdoor gear and a Flagstaff Folding Camping Trailer worth over $10,000 if you are the grand prize winner.
Sweeps Rating: Okay
Eligibility: open only to legal residents of the U.S., who are twenty-one (21) years of age or older as of April 1, 2013.
Entry Dates: begins on April 1, 2013 and ends at 11:59:59 PM ET on April 30, 2013
Entry Limit: one entry per person per day.
Prize Calendar:
Prize Limit: one Daily Prize per person/email address, per day, however, a winner of a Daily Prize is still eligible to win the Grand Prize.
There will be one random drawing each day from among all eligible entries received that day for the first twenty-nine (29) days of the Sweepstakes Period. There will be one Grand Prize random drawing performed on or about May 2, 2013
Leita Wesley says
I really want to win!!