Customize your new Nissin Cup Noodles and your could #win $3,000, $2,000, $1,000, and $500 Walmart Gift Cards.
Sweepstakes Rating: Okay
Eligibility: US, DC, 18 and older
Entry Dates: August 10, 2015 and ends on November 1, 2015 at 11:59:59 p.m. ET. (Weekly Entry and Voting periods Monday through Sunday)
Website Entry Form | Facebook Entry Form | Official Rules
You must submit an original photo or video (not to exceed thirty seconds in length) featuring how you “customize” your new microwavable Nissin® Cup Noodles® (e.g., adding other ingredients to the noodles). The new microwavable Nissin® Cup Noodles® brand packaging must be visible and easily identifiable in your photo or video submission. Partial or incomplete/piecemeal submissions (Twitter and Instagram) without the hashtag #MyCustomCup WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AS CONTEST ENTRIES and shall not be eligible for any prize. Entry Notes: Photos and videos must be created for the sole purpose of this Contest (DO NOT COPY OTHERS’ WORKS, IN WHOLE OR IN PART.
Instagram Entry: Upload a photo or video along with #MyCustomCup. Once you submit your entry you will receive a response through Instagram directing you to the registration form. Once the form is completed you will receive a pop up message confirming your entry and, your entry will then be reviewed for compliance and, if approved, be available for the voting and judging process and appear in the Sponsor’s Facebook tab “Gallery”.
Twitter Entry: Tweet a photo or video and tag it with #MyCustomCup. Once you submit your entry you will receive a response from Twitter directing you to the registration form. Once the form is completed you will receive a pop up message confirming your entry and, your entry will then be reviewed for compliance and, if approved, be available for the voting and judging process and appear in the Sponsor’s Facebook tab “Gallery”.
Mail-in Entry: To enter without a purchase, hand-print on a 3” x 5” card write your full name, complete mailing address, age, email address and the words #MyCustomCup. Insert your card into a #10 standard envelope and mail to:
Nissin Customize Your Cup Contest
PO Box 2312
Framingham, MA 01703-2312
Entries will be included in the weekly judging based on the date of receipt at the PO Box.
Each week, the photo with the most votes will receive a $500 Walmart Gift Card
Entry Limit: one unique photo/video entry per person, per day. Non-winning photo or video entries will be carried forward to each judging period; however, no weekly votes will be carried forward to any other voting period. All photo and video entries will be carried forward to the end of the contest prize judging.
- One (1) Grand Prize: $3,000 Walmart gift card
- Two (2) First Prizes: $2,000 Walmart gift card
- Three (3) Second Prizes: $1,000 Walmart gift card
- Twelve (12) Weekly Prizes (one per week): a $500 Walmart Gift Card.
Prize Limit: one weekly prize per household
Judging Criteria: equally weighted: Use of the new Nissin® Cup Noodles®; Creativity of recipe; Number of votes received; Adherence to the theme of creating a heartier, healthier meal
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