If you don’t know how to use Instragram, now is the time to learn because you could win $10,000 or $1,000 in cash just for posting a photo of the week and using the hashtag #drumstick and the keyword for the week. Six weeks, six challenges, six summery words to inspire you—and all you need is Instagram on your smartphone for a shot at fame and fortune. (Talk about a snap!)
Download Instagram here or through your Smartphone directly in the app store or Droid store.
Sweeps Rating: Okay
Eligibility: open only to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia who are at least eighteen (18) years old at the time of entry.
Entry Dates: begins on July 23, 2012 and ends on September 4, 2012 at 12:00 p.m. ET
You will also be required to enter your Instagram username (creating an Instagram account is free). Each Submission Phase there will be a different joyful summer theme. Using the Instagram application on your Instagram compatible phone, (your carrier’s standard data rates apply) follow the links and instructions to take and upload photos that display each respective week’s joyful summer theme and hashtag. The Submission must include “#drumstick” along with the word for the respective week.
Entry Limit: one entry per person per week.
- One Grand Prize: $10,000 check
- Six First Prizes: $1,000 check
Prize Limit: One First Prize per person.
Winner Determination:
Judging Phase: a panel of qualified judges will select the one entrant per Submission Phase, for a total of six (6), with the highest scoring Submission :
- Creativity/Originality (34%)
- Quality of Submission (33%)
- Fit to Contest Theme (33%)
Voting Phase: During the Voting Phase, the Finalists’ Submissions will be posted in an online gallery for public voting at snapsummer.drumstick.com/gallery
Voting Limit: Each person may vote one time per day during the Voting Phase.
Potential winners will be notified by email, mail or phone on or around the subsequent week they entered.
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