Lysol needs to see what your child’s Teddy Bear looks like so they can mend your Teddy Bear and make it brand new!
How to Enter: Complete and submit the official entry form, including uploading a picture or two pictures (front and back) of your child’s tattered stuffed animal needing a repair that meets the Stuffed Animal Criteria listed below, the age of the bear, and a story about why your child’s tattered stuffed animal should be repaired (optional). Each Photo must be an original creation of the submitting entrant. Limit one Entry per person/email address per item and per day.
Stuffed Animal Criteria: The Photo must be of the stuffed animal you would like to be repaired if you are selected as the Grand Prize winner. In order to be eligible for repair and therefore, to be eligible to be the Grand Prize winner, the stuffed animal in the Photo must meet the following criteria, or will be forfeited: the stuffed animal must fit into a 12” x 12” x 6” box, must be fabric only and the fabric must be: cotton, polyester, nylon, spandex, rayon, lycra, or microfiber. The stuffed animal may NOT contain wool or silk.
Judging Criteria: The more difficult the repair, the higher the score:
- How many spots that need repair (1 to 8 points)
- Amount torn (1 point)
- Loose limb (2 points)
- Needs stuffing (3 points)
- Missing nose, ear, eye, etc… (4 points)
- Only requires cleaning (-1 point)
- Entry Contains a Story (1 point)
- In story, the child loves the toy (1 point)
- In story, the teddy is multi-generations/heirloom (3 points)
- Story is very emotional (5 points)
- Photo contains a recognizable toy brand (-1 point)
Grand Prize (1): Sponsor will mend the stuffed animal featured in the Grand Prize winner’s Photo, with the help of a Sponsor-specified seamstress; the stuffed animal will be sanitized using Lysol Laundry Sanitizer; and the Grand Prize winner will receive a year’s supply (23- 90 oz bottles) of Lysol Laundry Sanitizer ARV: $317.27
First Prize (499): Sponsor will mend the stuffed animal featured in the First Prize winner’s Photo, with the help of a Sponsor-specified seamstress; and the animal will be sanitized using Lysol Laundry Sanitizer. ARV: $87.50
Official Rules: US, 18+. April 10 – April 23, 2019. One entry per person per day.
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