There’s a lot on the line: a $1,000 daily prize, and $250,000 for one especially lucky fan in the Lays Flavor Swap Sweepstakes. Potato chip aficionados can vote for their favorite flavor in four “swap” categories — heat, cheese, barbecue, and spice — which each features a classic flavor and a brand new one. All flavors will be in stores nationwide by the promotion’s start.
Sweepstakes Rating: Okay
Eligibility: US, DC, 18 and older
Entry Dates: begins at 12:00:00 p.m. CT on February 8, 2016 and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. CT on March 21, 2016
Random Drawing: on or about each business day following the applicable Day from eligible entries received for a given Day. One Grand Prize winner will be selected in a random drawing to be held on or about March 22, 2016.
Website Entry Form | Official Rules
Vote for your favorite featured flavor(s) in any/all of the four (4) flavor matchups
The flavor matchups are as follows:
- MATCHUP #1: Fiery Roasted Habanero vs. Flamin’ Hot
- MATCHUP #2: Smoked Gouda & Chive vs. Cheddar & Sour Cream
- MATCHUP #3: Kettle Cooked Olive Oil & Herbs vs. Kettle Cooked Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper
- MATCHUP #4: Korean BBQ vs. Honey BBQ
Text Entry:
- MATCHUP #1: To vote for Fiery Roasted Habanero, text VOTEHABANERO to 24477. To vote for Flamin’ Hot, text VOTEFLAMINHOT to 24477.
- MATCHUP #2: To vote for Cheddar & Sour Cream, text VOTECHEDDAR to 24477. To vote for Smoked Gouda & Chive, text VOTEGOUDA to 24477.
- MATCHUP #3: To vote for Kettle Cooked Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper, text VOTESALTPEPPER to 24477. To vote for Kettle Cooked Olive Oil & Herbs, text VOTEOLIVEHERBS to 24477.
- MATCHUP #4: To vote for Honey BBQ, text VOTEHONEYBBQ to 24477. To vote for Korean BBQ, text VOTEKOREANBBQ to 24477.
Twitter Entry: There are two ways to vote via Twitter as outlined below.
1. To vote via Twitter with a flavor name, tweet the appropriate hashtags on your Twitter account.
- MATCHUP #1: To vote for Fiery Roasted Habanero, tweet #VoteHabanero and #FlavorSwapEntry. To vote for Flamin’ Hot, tweet #VoteFlaminHot and #FlavorSwapEntry.
- MATCHUP #2: To vote for Cheddar & Sour Cream, tweet #VoteCheddar and #FlavorSwapEntry. To vote for Smoked Gouda and Chive, tweet #VoteGouda and #FlavorSwapEntry.
- MATCHUP #3: To vote for Kettle Cooked Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper, tweet #VoteSaltPepper and #FlavorSwapEntry. To vote for Kettle Cooked Olive Oil & Herbs, tweet #VoteOliveOilHerbs and #FlavorSwapEntry.
- MATCHUP #4: To vote for Honey BBQ, tweet #VoteHoneyBBQ and #FlavorSwapEntry. To vote for Korean BBQ, tweet #VoteKoreanBBQ and #FlavorSwapEntry.
2. To vote via Twitter with a flavor emoji, tweet the appropriate emoji and hashtag #Vote and hashtag #FlavorSwapEntry on your Twitter account.
Emoji images are as follows: Dancer; Fire; Mouse Face; Cheese Wedge; Water Wave; Herb; Honey Bee; Sake Bottle and Cup. (See Rules for emoji images)
- MATCHUP #1: To vote for Fiery Roasted Habanero, tweet the Dancer emoji pictured above and hashtags #Vote and #FlavorSwapEntry. To vote for Flamin’ Hot, tweet the Fire emoji pictured above and hashtags #Vote and #FlavorSwapEntry.
- MATCHUP #2: To vote for Cheddar & Sour Cream, tweet the Mouse Face emoji pictured above and hashtags #Vote and #FlavorSwapEntry. To vote for Smoked Gouda and Chive, tweet the Cheese Wedge emoji pictured above and hashtags #Vote and #FlavorSwapEntry.
- MATCHUP #3: To vote for Kettle Cooked Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper, tweet the Water Wave emoji pictured above and hashtags #Vote and #FlavorSwapEntry. To vote for Kettle Cooked Olive Oil & Herbs, tweet the Herb emoji pictured above and hashtags #Vote and #FlavorSwapEntry.
- MATCHUP #4: To vote for Honey BBQ, tweet the Honey Bee emoji pictured above and hashtags #Vote and #FlavorSwapEntry. To vote for Korean BBQ, tweet the Sake Bottle and Cup emoji pictured above and hashtags #Vote and #FlavorSwapEntry.
SWEETIES NOTE: If voting via Twitter, you may only vote for each flavor matchup using either the flavor name or the flavor emoji. Votes using multiple flavor names and/or multiple emojis will not be counted as a vote or an entry. If an entrant votes with both the flavor name and a flavor emoji, the flavor name shall be counted as his/her vote.
Instagram Entry: To vote via Instagram, post the appropriate hashtags on your Instagram account.
- MATCHUP #1: To vote for Fiery Roasted Habanero, post #VoteHabanero and #FlavorSwapEntry. To vote for Flamin’ Hot, post #VoteFlaminHot and #FlavorSwapEntry.
- MATCHUP #2: To vote for Cheddar & Sour Cream, post #VoteCheddar and #FlavorSwapEntry. To vote for Smoked Gouda and Chive, post #VoteGouda and #FlavorSwapEntry.
- MATCHUP #3: To vote for Kettle Cooked Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper, post #VoteSaltPepper and #FlavorSwapEntry. To vote for Kettle Cooked Olive Oil & Herbs, post #VoteOliveOilHerbs and #FlavorSwapEntry.
- MATCHUP #4: To vote for Honey BBQ, post #VoteHoneyBBQ and #FlavorSwapEntry. To vote for Korean BBQ, post #VoteKoreanBBQ and #FlavorSwapEntry.
Entry Limit: One Vote per day per platform per person/device per flavor matchup. Entries WILL carry forward to subsequent Daily Drawings and to the Grand Prize Drawing. NOTE: If you voted for all of the available flavor matchups via a particular platform (i.e. Web site, Twitter or Instagram), you will only receive one Sweepstakes entry per day corresponding to that particular voting platform (regardless of the number of votes you submitted on that voting platform).
One (1) Prize: $250,000 awarded in the form of a wire transfer or check, payable to winner.
Forty-three (43) Daily Prizes (one per day): $1,000 awarded in the form of a wire transfer or check, payable to winner.
Prize Limit: one Daily Prize per person/address/household. The Grand Prize winner is eligible to win one Daily Prize.
So if I’m understanding this correctly, each day you can only get one entry per platform. So if you voted for just one matchup or if you voted for all four matchups via twitter, you’ll still get just one entry total for that platform?
Lisa, that’s the way I read it. So for each platform you only have to vote for one match-up. You can vote in all 4, but you still only get one entry (per platform). If you vote using all four platforms, you’ll get 4 sweepstakes entries per day. The best part is that they roll over, so you have additional entries for the daily prizes plus the chance at the $250K!
This one will take a little time each day (especially for old people like me who aren’t the fastest on social media), but it’s well worth it for a chance at such nice prizes! Good Luck!
So is this a full 24 hours sweepstakes, meaning I have to wait till a full 24 hours passes before I re-enter?
Ha@being old on social media. I’m sitting here trying to figure out how to add a hashtag on Instagram without posting a photo with it. It would be weird to just post random pictures ….
I’m with you! But, I guess we need to figure this out to get the Instagram entry……
Please, would one of you Social Media Gurus, help us out? ☺
Instagram is all about posting pictures. If you want the Instagram entry, you’re going to have to attach some sort of photo.
Thank you! I didn’t find any other way when I Googled, needed to be sure wasn’t missing something …
Really appreciate the help – Good Luck to everyone!
Jamie, I took a picture with my phone of one of the choices from the sweepstakes website, and I used that. I think you can use any photo, but that was the easiest thing for me to do. If you search the #flavorswapentry you can see what others are doing. It’s very early so there’s not many up there, but it will help to look at that. Heck, you could probably even write your choice on a piece of paper, take a picture of that, and post it with your hashtags. It will be interesting to see what people do with this!
I took a picture of the flavor matchup (computer) with my phone and posted it to IG
still a bit confused
so I vote for only one flavor I like but on all 4 platforms to get 4 entries?
but not vote for each category – only one like HoneyBBQ – I just vote for that in the 4 platforms?
If that is correct I did it wrong today lol
Ellen – you only have to vote for one flavor match up on each platform to get the maximum # of entries (1 each for website, text, twitter, and instagram).
If you vote for 4 matchups on only 1 platform, you’ll only get one entry.
You can vote for all 4 matchups on each platform if you wish, but you’ll still only get one entry per platform.
You don’t have to vote for the same matchup on all 4 platforms, either – you can switch it around.
Hope that clears it up for you.
yes – thank you
how to get Emoji images on tweet when vote
Twitter: “If voting via Twitter, you may only vote for each flavor matchup using either the flavor name or the flavor emoji.” [You don’t need both]
want 2 know how 2 include emoji.
bb, Sweetie posted this site on a Super Bowl Sweeps. I saved it for future use. Hope it helps!
For an Instagram photo,, there is a place at the bottom of the website entry form to save a GIF. You could email it to your phone/go to the website on your phone and save it, or take a pic of the GIF on the screen to use….
Sweep is no longer letting me vote for the flavor matchups. Since It isn’t taking my votes, it will no longer bring up the enter page. Anyone else having this issue?
Yes me too!
I’m still able to vote, but then when I try to enter it says this email has already been used today … this has been a problem for about a week. I still vote on Twitter and Instagram and by texting, so I guess I’m still getting 3 entries per day, but the form is frustrating!