Play the Hill’s Science Diet Every Great Day Instant Win Game for your chance to win Free Hill’s Science pet food and help out a shelter in need.
Official Rules: US, 18+. Begins on March 7, 2018 and ends on January 7, 2019. One entry per person per day.
Grand Prize (44 – one per week): A year’s supply of pet food awarded in the form of twelve coupons valued at $57.99 each and a $500 donation to a Hill’s sponsored shelter of winner’s choice (approved by Sponsor). ARV: $1,195.88
Instant Win Prize (5,326): (1,232 – 38 per week): A small bag of pet food awarded in the form of a coupon. ARV: $15.99. (4,004 – 91 per week): A can of pet food awarded in the form of a coupon. ARV: $2.59
This is a great addition to the Empty the shelters program.
won a coupon thanks sweetie for the posting
Hello I was the grand prize winner and I’m so thankful to HILLS SCIENCE DIET TO AWARD THE ARIZONA HUMANE SOCIETY THE $500 to help this shelter. As well the years supply of pet food. M pets are purrfectely the best with Hills science Diet in their lives! Congrats to all the winners and thanks to Hills Science Diet for the love they have for all of our pets and shelter love!
Awesome! Congratulations – I know the Arizona Humane Society will be super thankful and you get something too! #WinWin