Get your Free Handmade Bracelet from Bracenet now. Bracenet makes unique wristbands from the waste fishing nets that are collected by Healthy Seas and Ghost Fishing.
The nets are cleaned and sorted by Nofir AS and then Bracenet manually produces bracelets – a stylish statement for the protection of the seas and oceans.
Offer for US Residents only, age 18+. One bracelet per person.
The pollution of the oceans has reached shocking proportions but still this problem is not getting appropriate coverage in the media. Bracenet has set itself the task of drawing attention to a serious problem which is affecting our seas and oceans: the so-called ghost nets. The discarded, lost, or abandoned fishing nets are sometimes called “ghost nets” because they continue to fish unchecked. These ghost nets can drift across the seas and oceans for up to 600 years and turn into deadly traps for anything that gets in their way. Mammals such as dolphins, seals and whales become entangled in these nets, leading to serious injuries and eventually death. Thousands of tortoises, sharks and seabirds also die each year in these nets, which remain in the marine environment for a long time. Approximately 640,000 tons of fishing nets and gear are left in our seas and oceans each year. According to a United Nations report, this is nearly ten per cent of all ocean pollution caused by humans.