Three winners will each receive $50,000 during #SB50! Enter Doritos Crash The Second Screen Contest for your chance to win.
Sweepstakes Rating: Okay (Official Rules)
Eligibility: US, DC, 18 and older
Entry Dates: begins at 3:00 p.m. ET on February 7, 2016 and ends on February 7, 2016 at the conclusion of the fourth quarter of Super Bowl 50
Judging Criteria: 40% Originality and Creativity; 30% Adherence to Creative Assignment; and 30% Overall Appeal (to the general public) as a Doritos advertisement. Sponsor will direct message each potential winner and request their contact information. Potential winner’s Twitter account must allow for direct messaging or prize will be forfeited. Honorable Mention winners must respond within seventy-two hours of notification or prize may be forfeited. For Grand Prize Winners must be respond within twelve hours of notification or prize may be forfeited.
Twitter Entry:
- Follow @Doritos
- Tweet your entry (see judging criteria above) for Doritos brand Tortilla Chips in any of the following manners: Text based Tweet; Image or Video. Include the hashtags #Doritos AND #Entry
- Text based content needs to be in the form of a text-only tweet (emojis may be included)
- Image based content needs to be an image directly uploaded to Twitter or cross posted from Instagram
- Video content must not exceed 15 seconds in length and must be uploaded directly to Twitter. Cross posted videos from Vine or Instagram are also acceptable.
Entry Limit: unlimited entries, however, entries must not be duplicative.
Three (3) Grand Prizes (1 per Category): $50,000.00 awarded in the form of a wire transfer or check, payable to winner.
Twelve (12) Honorable Mentions (4 per Category): fifty (50) free product coupons each redeemable for one (1) bag of DORITOS® brand Tortilla Chips (10 oz. bag). ARV: $214.50
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