You could instantly win $10,000 in cash or one of thousands of summer prizes from Challenge and Mrs. Cubbison in the Challenge Butter Real Summer, Real Flavor Instant Win Game and Sweepstakes.
Grand Prize (1): $10,000
Instant Win Prize (4,600):
- (250) GoodCook Prize Pack (includes one GoodCook Crave GoBottle, one 1-Gallon 4-Sided Pitcher, one Handheld Spiralizer, one Veggie Chopper and one Melon Tap. ARV: $64.95
- (3,000) Free Challenge Butter or Cream Cheese Product. ARV: $5
- (1,350) Free Mrs. Cubbison’s Salad Toppings Voucher. ARV: $3.99
Note: Due to various state dairy regulations, Game Prize winners of the Free Challenge Butter Voucher or Free Challenge Cream Cheese Vouchers that reside in AR, CA, CT, ID, KS, LA, MA, MN, MO, MS, ND, NJ, NV, PA, TN, UT, VA and WI may receive a comparable prize of equal or greater value determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion.
One Instant Win Game prize per person.
Official Rules: US, 18+. June 3 – September 6, 2019. Each entrant is limited to receiving up to one standard Sweepstakes entry and one Instant Win Game play per day during the Promotion Period. Each entrant is also limited to receiving a maximum of forty bonus Sweepstakes entries per day during the entire Promotion Period.
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