Click Here to Enter for your chance to win Cash, noise-control headphones, and gift cards from Capital One Road Trip Sweepstakes.
Sweepstakes Rating: Okay (Official Rules)
Eligibility: US, DC, 18 and older
Entry Dates: March 24, 2016 and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. ET on April 4, 2016
Random Drawing: on or about April 5, 2016
Entry Periods: 9:00 AM ET to 11:59:59 PM ET
- March 24 to March 27, 2016
- March 28 to March 31, 2016
- April 1 to April 4, 2016
Twitter Entry:
- Follow @CapitalOne You must follow @CapitalOne and have a non-private Twitter account to enter the Sweepstakes via Twitter Entry and maintain such non-private account for at least sixty (60) days after the Sweepstakes Period ends to be eligible to win/claim a prize for potential winner notification purposes.
- Entry Period 1, an entrant may Tweet a photograph of him/herself with his/her March Madness “twin” (meaning entrant and another person in their school gear), including both hashtags #twinning and #sweepstakes.
- Entry Period 2 and Entry Period 3, @CapitalOne Tweet about the Sweepstakes on its Twitter account including the hashtags #RoadToOne and #Sweepstakes. retweet the Sweepstakes Tweet, including both hashtags #RoadToOne and #Sweepstakes
Facebook Entry: Capital One will post a status nviting entrants to comment on the status. Post a comment to the Invitation Post that includes content relevant to the Invitation Post. Capital One will determine, it its sole and absolute discretion, whether a comment includes content relevant to the Invitation Post and meets the requirement in these Official Rules to qualify as an eligible entry. NOTE: Sponsor will post one or more Invitation Posts during an Entry Period (at Sponsor’s sole discretion).
Entry Limit: one entry per person per day per method of entry.
oh wow! i won the Entry Period 2 which is the $2,000 cash prize. Thank you so much sweetie for all you do!!!
Hi. I was just notified that I won the $3,000 Entry Period 3 prize! I’m at the National Convention which hasn’t kicked off yet and found out about the win via email! I’m so excited! thank you so much Sweetie!