Spin to Win 1 of 49 Shop Cards valued at $100 in the Banana Republic Spin To Win Instant Win Game.
Official Rules: open to US, DC, (excluding Rhode Island), 18/age of majority and older. Begins on February 6 and ends on February 19, 2018. One entry per person per day.
Text Entry: text SPIN to 44844. You will receive a text message in response with a link to enter the Sweepstakes.
AMOE Entry: Click Here After completion of the entry form, you will receive an email message at the email address you provided which contains a link to enter the Sweepstakes. If you do not receive the email soon after submission, please check your spam folder. Click the link in the email to reach the Sweepstakes mobile site and follow the instructions to activate the wheel graphic in order to determine instantly if you are a winner,
Forty-nine (49) Prizes: Shop Card discount credit coupon prize worth up to $100.00. Shop Cards valid from February 6, 2018 through February 21, 2018 at Banana Republic Factory stores or at bananarepublicfactory.com in the U.S. & Puerto Rico only. Not valid at other Gap Inc. brand stores/websites, outside the U.S., or at our Clearance Centers. Excludes gift cards and taxes. One time use only. Shop Card has no cash value.
All entries which do not win a Shop Card prize will receive an electronic discount coupon ranging from 10% to 40% off a future purchase. Coupons are valid from February 6, 2018 through February 21, 2018 at Banana Republic Factory stores or at bananarepublicfactory.com in the U.S. & Puerto Rico only. Not valid at other Gap Inc. brand stores/websites, outside the U.S., or at Clearance Centers.
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