Enter for your chance to win a life-changing journey from Oreo and Space Perspective! #OREOLifeoff One lucky winner of the Lift Off with Oreo sweepstakes will fly with Space Perspective above 99 percent of Earth’s atmosphere.
Move over “Strawberry Frosted Donut” and “The Most Stuf.” Oreo’s latest limited-edition flavor comes with an out-of-this-world twist: a chance at enjoying the creme-filled cookies while floating through the stratosphere.
The sandwich cookie brand has launched “Oreo Space Dunk,” an otherworldly take on the classic “stuf’d” snack. Each cookie has layers of marshmallow-flavored blue and pink “cosmic creme” dotted with popping candies to create “a supernova bursting sensation” with every bite.
Oreo Space Dunk cookies also feature one of five “galactic” embossments and, for the first time in the brand’s history, a small cut out in the cookie itself, providing a peak inside at the nebula-inspired filling.
All of that makes Oreo Space Dunk the perfectly-themed cookie for a flight to the “edge of space.” Starting on Monday (Jan. 23), aspiring space explorers can enter the “Lift Off with Oreo” sweepstakes for a chance to embark on a six-hour journey in a pressurized capsule lofted gently by a high-altitude hydrogen balloon.
Eligibility: Open only to residents of the 50 United States (including D.C.) who are at least 18 years old (or 19 years old if from AL or NE) and residents of Puerto Rico who are at least 21 years old at the time of entry
Entry Dates: January 23, 2024 – April 5, 2024 at 11:59 pm ET
Entry Limit: one entry per person per day and up to ten Bonus Entries (five from each social platform).
Grand Prize (1): A seat for a flight onboard Space Perspective’s Spaceship Neptune on a date to be determined by Sponsor based on availability, with an ARV $125,000. Space travel has inherent risks. Winner understands and accepts these risks if he or she accepts the Space flight. Space flight reaches a maximum altitude of 100,000 feet. Sponsor has been advised by prize provider that flight is tentatively scheduled to take place on a date to be determined in 2025. Winner will receive confirmation of flight date well in advance of such date. It is possible, due to circumstances beyond the Sponsor’s control, that the flight could be delayed beyond 2025. By accepting the space flight prize, winner agrees to such potential delay. In addition, winner will receive the following trip prize package for winner and one guest to visit Cape Canaveral, FL on a date to be determined by Sponsor. This trip will coincide with the dates of the Space Flight. Details of the trip package are: round trip, coach-class air transportation for two from a major airport near winner’s home (determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion) to Orlando, FL; four nights’ accommodations at a hotel determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion (single room, double occupancy); space center tour for winner and guest; roundtrip ground transportation from destination airport and hotel, roundtrip ground transportation from hotel to the space center venue(s), and roundtrip ground from hotel to space departure location (for winner only), a food and beverage stipend of four hundred fifty dollars ($450.00) (fulfilled as a check) and a gift bag for winner only. Sponsor will also provide a check for $88,100 (“Tax Gross Up Payment”) that may be used to assist with taxes associated with receipt of this prize. The Grand Prize winner’s actual tax liabilities related to the Grand Prize could exceed the Tax Gross-Up Payment. The Grand Prize winner is solely responsible for all applicable federal, state, or other tax obligations related to the Grand Prize. Sponsor will not provide any further assistance toward the winner’s tax obligations. The Total ARV: $220,310
Alternate Grand Prize: If: (a) the space trip prize winner is deemed ineligible to take a space trip because s/he does not meet criteria required by Space Perspective for the space trip as determined in Space Perspective’s sole discretion or as determined by winner’s doctor; (b) the space trip component of the Grand Prize cannot otherwise be awarded as advertised due to circumstances beyond the Sponsor’s control, including but not limited to Space Perspective’s failure to timely provide a flight capsule; or (c) the potential winner does not wish to take the space flight for any reason, then the following Alternate Grand Prize will be awarded in lieu of the space flight component of the Grand Prize: A check for in the amount of $125,000 made payable to winner. The remainder of the Grand Prize package, i.e., the trip to Cape Canaveral, FL., will still be awarded in addition to the check. Therefore, the total ARV of the alternate Grand Prize will be $220,310, inclusive of the Tax Gross-Up Payment.
First Prizes (3): A trip for each winner and one guest to Cape Canaveral, FL on a date to be determined by Sponsor, tentatively scheduled for 2025. Trip package includes round trip, coach-class air transportation for two from a major airport near winner’s home to Orlando, FL; three nights’ accommodations at a hotel determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion (single room, double occupancy); a space center tour for winner and guest; ground transportation to and from destination airport and hotel and roundtrip transportation from hotel to space center venue(s); a gift bag for winner only; and a food and beverage stipend of $450, which will be fulfilled as a check. Sponsor will also provide a check for one thousand seven hundred dollars ($1,700) (Tax Gross Up Payment) that may be used to assist with taxes associated with receipt of this prize. The First Prize winner’s actual tax liabilities related to the First Prize could exceed the Tax Gross Up Payment. Winner must complete the trip on sponsor designated dates or prize will be forfeited. ARV: $7,400
Second Prizes (10): A $135 value digital gift card redeemable for a custom star map.
Third Prizes (25): OREO branded space swag (all details including but not limited to colors and sizes determined by Sponsor). ARV: $108
Fourth Prizes (50): One package of OREO Cookies (all details determined by Sponsor). ARV: $5
Limit: one prize per household
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