Share your workout photo or video for the chance to win a $5,000 gift card and #TrainLikeAnAngel or win a daily $100 gift card + some goodies from SUJA Juice in the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Contest! #TrainLikeAnAngel
Sweepstakes Rating: Okay (Official Rules)
Eligibility: US, DC, 18 and older (19 in Alabama and Nebraska; 21 in Mississippi)
Entry Dates: October 26, 2015 and ends on December 8, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. ET
Judging Criteria: based equally upon the following criteria: originality; creativity, photo quality; and consistency with the Victoria’s Secret Sport brand image. In determining originality and creativity, the Judges may consider the quantity of Likes, Retweets or Favorites associated with an Entry in their discretion, but the number of Likes, Retweets, and/or Favorites will not determine the winning Entry.
Potential Daily Prize winners will be notified via Twitter Direct Message or Instagram comment in winner’s original post, as applicable, and will be required to follow the instructions to respond to the notification and claim his/her prize, including confirming his/her email address for paperwork delivery and/or prize delivery. If a potential Daily Prize winner does not respond to initial winner notification with requested information within twelve (12) hours of initial contact, the prize will be forfeited.
Twitter and Instagram Entry: Post a photo or video showing how you get fit; and tag @VSSportOfficial for posts on Twitter or @VictoriasSecretSport for posts on Instagram, as applicable, and include the hashtags #TrainLikeAnAngel and #Contest in your post. NOTE: If you are a Victoria’s Secret employee, you must also include a third hashtag – #VSEmployee – in order for your entry to be valid. If you are a Suja employee, you must also include a third hashtag – #SujaEmployee – in order for your entry to be valid.
Entry Limit: two unique entries per person per day (one on Twitter, and one on Instagram). Each Entry submitted must be an original submission not previously posted to Twitter and/or Instagram or submitted to the Contest. The same photo/video submitted via Twitter and Instagram will be counted as one Entry. Non-winning Entries (including Entries forfeited because of failing to reply to winner notification within timeline specified) WILL carry over into subsequent Daily Submission Periods.
One (1) Grand Prize: $5,000 Victoria’s Secret gift card and Suja swag items to be determined by Sponsor, in its sole discretion. As part of the Grand Prize, Administrator will provide the Grand Prize winner $1,650 in the form of a check in the winner’s name which many be used by the Grand Prize winner to offset his or her income taxes (or a portion of his of her income taxes) liability incurred when accepting this Grand Prize. ARV: $7,150.00
Forty-two (42) Daily Prizes (one per day): $100 Victoria’s Secret gift card and Suja swag items to be determined by Sponsor, in its sole discretion. ARV: $150.00
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