Now is your chance to design the Quicken Loans Number 31 car! Submit your design, and you could win a trip to the Monster Mile to watch it on the track!
Sweepstakes Rating: Okay
Eligibility: US, DC, 18 and older
Entry Date: July 1, 2014 and ends on August 3, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. ET. Voting Dates: August 11, 2014 to August 24, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. ET
Website Entry | Official Rules
Entry Limit: You may submit more than one entry, however, each entry must be unique. Limit one vote, per person per day.
One (1) Grand Prize: A 3-day/2-night trip for winner and travel companion to Dover, DE on Sponsor specified dates in September 2014 to attend NASCAR Nationwide Series September Dover Race scheduled for 9/28/2014 at the Dover International Speedway. Prize includes round-trip coach class air transportation from major airport nearest winner’s home, hotel accommodations (double occupancy), and 2 tickets to the race on 9/28/2014. The approximate ARV of the Grand Prize is $2,500. If Ryan Newman finishes in First Place at the Race, the Grand Prize winner will receive one year’s worth of mortgage payments, consisting of principal and interest only, awarded in the form of a check to the winner (or parent/legal guardian if winner is deemed a minor in his/her state of residence) (up to $12,000). Mortgage account holder must provide proof of one year’s mortgage payment in order to receive that amount (up to $12,000). Non-mortgage holding winner’s prize will be determined by a random drawing of all eligible mortgage amounts starting from $6,000 to $12,000, and the selected yearly mortgage amount (up to $12,000) will be awarded to the Grand Prize winner in conjunction with the Grand Prize trip as described above (Total ARV: up to $14,500). If Ryan Newman finishes in the top 10 (excluding First Place) at the Race, the Grand Prize winner will receive one month mortgage payment, consisting of principal and interest only, awarded in the form of a check to the Grand Prize winner (or parent/legal guardian if winner is deemed a minor in his/her state of residence) (ARV: up to $2,000). Mortgage account holder must provide proof of his/her one month mortgage payment in order to receive that amount (up to $2,000). Non-mortgage holding winner’s prize will be determined by a random drawing of all eligible mortgage amounts starting from $500 to $2,000, and the selected monthly mortgage amount (up to $2,000) will be awarded to the Grand Prize winner in conjunction with the Grand Prize trip as described above (Total ARV: up to $4,500)
Three Hundred Forty-four (344) First Prizes:
- (15) One Sponsor specified autographed die cast car ARV: $60.00
- (15) One Sponsor specified autographed die cast car (not autographed) ARV: $60.00
- (20) One Sponsor specified matchbox car ARV: $6.00
- (4) One Sponsor specified autographed Quicken Loans Racing Hat ARV: $8.00
- (5) One set of Sponsor specified autographed Ryan Newman hero cards No retail value associated with prize
- (20) One Sponsor specified Quicken Loans Racing hat ARV: $8.00
- (15) One Sponsor specified Quicken Loans Tumbler ARV: $4.25
- (250) Two tickets to the AAA 400 in Dover, DE. ARV: $30.00
First Prize Random Drawing: at end of sweepstakes
Grand Prize Judging Criteria: Originality of Design (20%) Feasibility of the Design to be applied to a NASCAR race car (40%), Creativity (20%) and Best Representation of Quicken Loans brand (20%).
won a autographed die cast car