Sierra magazine and select partners are hooking you up with awesome outdoor gear in our 2015 Great Gear Giveaways. Prizes include Trekking Poles, Hiking Boots, LifeStraw, Travel Guidebook Library, and Inflatable Kayak.
Sweepstakes Rating: Okay
Eligibility: US, DC, 18/age of majority and older
Entry Dates: October 6, 2015 and ends at 11:59 pm PST on December 9, 2015
Random Drawing: on or about December 18, 2015
Website Entry Form | Official Rules
Entry Limit: one entry per person
One (1) Prize: Pair of LEKI Micro Vario Carbon Trekking Poles ARV: $199.95
One (1) Prize: a Pair of LOWA Innox GTX Mid Hiking Boots ARV: $210
One (1) Prize: LifeStraw, Lifestraw Go, and Lifestraw Mission ARV: $174.85
One (1) Prize: Rough Guides Travel Guidebook Library ARV: $250
One (1) Prize: Sea Eagle Inflatable Kayak Pro Package ARV: $665