You could win 1 of 500 Nintendo Switch game systems plus a Super Mario Odyssey game
Click Here to Enter | Official Rules
Official Rules: open to US, DC, 18 and older. Begins on September 1, 2017 and ends on March 31, 2018. Three entries per person per day.
How to obtain a code to enter:
With Purchase: purchase a participating product to obtain either a unique Code printed on the inside of the box of the boxed participating products or a common Code printed on the bag of the MOM bagged participating products, while supplies last. For a list of participating products see rules page (scroll down to the bottom of the page).
NOTE: Each Code from a boxed participating product is unique and may only be used once during the Promotion Period. Each Code from a Malt-O-Meal bagged participating product is common and may be used one time per day.
Special Offer: Entrants who purchase a boxed participating product to obtain a Code will receive Fifty My Nintendo™ Platinum Points, while supplies last. The Points Code can be redeemed at A free Nintendo Account is required to receive and redeem My Nintendo Platinum Points using the Points Code. Once added to your Nintendo Account, My Nintendo Platinum Points expire within six months. Any unredeemed Points Codes are null and void. There will be no more than four million two hundred thousand (4,200,000) Special Offers available during the Promotion Period. The Special Offer is only available to Entrants using a Code obtained via the purchase method set forth above.
Mail-in Code Request: (August 20, 2017 through March 15, 2018). To obtain a Code without making a purchase, an eligible Entrant must legibly hand write your full first and last name, complete street address (no P.O. Box), age, and valid email address on a 3½” x 5” properly stamped postcard and mail it to:
The Post Presents the Nintendo Switch Instant Win Game Code Request
P.O. Box 251328
West Bloomfield, MI 48325
Requests sent in an envelope will not be accepted. Mail-in requests must be postmarked between August 20, 2017 and March 15, 2018 and received by March 22, 2018. Administrator will send one Code by e-mail to the e-mail address provided on each postcard received. Each Entrant may mail in no more than three times per day and obtain no more than three Codes per day.
Online Code Request: (March 16, 2018 through March 31, 2018). Visit, and follow the onscreen instructions to obtain one Code without a purchase. Entrants can request up to three Codes per day via this method.
Five Hundred (500) Prizes: a Nintendo prize pack that includes a Nintendo Switch system plus a Super Mario Odyssey game. ARV: $359.98
The AMOE says it won’t be active until June of 2018.
Yes, the ONLINE entry won’t be but the mail-in entry is available now, not sure why the difference.
“Each Code from a Malt-O-Meal bagged participating product is common and may be used one time per day.” Anyone have codes to share? 🙂
I looked at my grocery store today, could only find Malt-o-meal in a box, not a bag, and there was no code on the box. I’ll keep looking!
I found the bags (at Meijer) but no codes of them nor any mention of the contest on any of the Post cereal boxes (checked several different store chains).
Walmart sells the bags but none of them I saw today had the codes.
i found codes on the bags but they are all the same codes?? Can you enter same code daily?
Only the codes on malt o meal bags can be used every day.
The reusable code is once a day on the bags. The boxes of POST cereal comes with unique codes. Contest says 3 times per day. Can you post the reusable code? I haven’t seen any bags in any stores around TN
Hope this helps and you win codeis v9smrb
Thank you so much.
I found codes on the bag but it was same code on every bag
Why doesn’t the question block do anything when I click it?
If you are using firefox it is not working. I had to go to Internet explorer for it to work.
Thanks Thanks
My code is NEAEVE3L
I reply for the nintendo switch
WE WANT IT!!!!!!
I hate any of these sweepstakes that rely on prizelogic for fulfillment. I had three POST cereal boxes with three pin codes, all pin codes were valid and I received three My Nintendo Codes by email. Out of the three My Nintendo codes, two were already used! I always have issues like this when prizelogic is involved.
These three work for me each day. Good Luck V9SMRB EX6PKF XAXRCF
I actually won tonight around 1250 am using the reusable codes!!!
I wish I would of known they has reusable codes, could of save me some postage.
I really want a new nintendo switch
My code is pwnew3ef
You guys don’t have any PS4 left.
If not no more PS4 console… Send me Nintendo switch. Thanks
Ooo yes
they have them and i have two codes… when can iuse the codes to get a chance to win this ^-^
I really want to win a Switch
Thanks Bonnie for the codes, trying to win a unit for my Niece’s family
I tried to enter and it said my code was already used. I just dropped my box of cereal open. Bunch of bs
Brooke these codes will work everyday. some of the codes only will work once.
Nintendo Switch code:AN3snw
Para la aplicacion pide un correo electronico, pero cuando lo hago me dice que no es valido. Alguien por favor me podria decir como hago para inscribirme?