Win FREE classroom supplies by entering the @MPMSchoolSupply $2,500 Back-to-School Giveaway! Click to Enter.
Sweepstakes Rating:
Eligibility: US, 18 and older
Entry Dates: ends on August 31, 2014.
Facebook Entry | Official Rules
Entry Limit: one entry per person + bonus entries for sharing.
One (1) Grand Prize: $500 gift card to MPM School Supplies Store
Four (4) First Prizes: $250 gift card to MPM School Supplies Store
Ten (10) Second Prizes: $100 gift card to MPM School Supplies Store
Random Drawing: winners drawn the first week in September.
Thanks Sweetie. Here’s my link.
I used brennaboo’s link. Here is mine:
I used Mary’s here is mine
I used Alison’s link. Here is mine –
Thanks and good luck!
I used Kathy’s link. Here’s mine: