Enter to win 10,000 Free Bonus Box Tops in the Box Tops for Education Thirst Sweepstakes. Ten schools will win!
Membership is free and is available at boxtops4education.com. Your chosen school must be enrolled in the General Mills Box Tops for Education Program for the 2018 – 2019 academic school year to enter. If your school is not enrolled in the BTFE Program, contact your school and suggest they enroll in the Box Tops for Education Program by visiting boxtops4education.com.
Grand Prize (10): 10,000 Bonus Box Tops, which will be awarded to winner’s designated school and paid out in the December, 2019 school check. ARV: $1,000
No Bonus Box Tops prize will be awarded to any individual Winner.
Official Rules: US, 18+, a member of BoxTops4Education.com to enter and have designated a school to support. February 18 – April 1. One entry per person per day.
Ann Bucher Ratay says
Cannot find the special entry flyer for the tops to be attached to for I Love My School Sweepstakes.