If your group or school is a member of the Entenmann’s Little Bites Recycling Program you can enter the Entenmann’s Little Bites Collection Contest for your chance to win Free Entenmann’s Little Bites and TerraCycle points.
Official Rules: open to members of the Entenmann’s Little Bites Recycling Program who have identified themselves as a preschool, public elementary school, private elementary school, private middle school, public middle school, public high school, private high school, college/university, boy scouts, girl scouts, community group, or religious organization according to their profile on teracycle.com. Begins on October 1 and ends on December 31, 2018.
You may sign up for the Participating Recycling Program at no charge at terracycle.com/entenmanns-little-bites-pouch-brigade.
The goal of the Contest is for the Participants within the Participating Recycling Program to collect and recycle the accepted waste for the Participating Recycling Program. The five participants that recycle the most units for the Participating Recycling Program will be deemed potential winners.
One Unit of accepted waste is defined as one used Entenmann’s Little Bites plastic pouch or clear Entenmann’s Minis package. More details on accepted waste can be found on the Contest Webpage. Contest winners will be determined by the total number of Units recycled for the Participating Recycling Program within the Contest Period. All shipments of accepted waste Units must be received and checked into the TerraCycle system as visible on the Participant’s account profile on www.terracycle.com by December 31st, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. PT.
All members that send in at least one Unit through the Participating Recycling Program during the Contest Timeline will have their Units tallied for the Contest. The five members who send in the most Units during the Contest Timeline will be deemed potential winners.
Grand Prize (1): Fifty boxes of Entenmann’s Little Bites, four custom collection boxes, twenty-five lunch boxes, twenty-five pencil cases and 50,000 TerraCycle points.
First Runner Up Prize (1): One custom collection box and 25,000 TerraCycle points.
Honorable Mention Prize (3): 5,000 TerraCycle Points.
Each TerraCycle point can be redeemed for a donation of $0.01 per point to the non-profit organization of each winner’s choice.
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