Is your school’s playground equipment old? Could the science lab use a new set of supplies? Does the library need a full shelf of classics? Little Debbie wants to know why your school needs $4,000! A panelist of judges will review your submission and you could win for your school
Click Here to Enter | Official Rules
Official Rules: Open to eligible public Schools located in the United States. Begins on August 20 and ends on September 3, 2018 at 12:00 pm ET. One per school. Entries will be judged.
Note: A School may enter by submitting either a photo or video up to thirty seconds showing Little Debbie why your school needs $4,000
Judging Criteria: School spirit (15%); Creativity (35%); School need and urgency of the need (35%) and understanding of the Little Debbie voice (15%).
First Prize (1): $4,000, payable to the participating School.
Second Prize (20): Little Debbie prize pack. ARV $47.27
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