7 days to enter. 7 changes to win. 7 extraordinary Cricut grand prizes to win! Seven prizes available to be won, each consisting of a Cricut gift basket ranging in value from $609.90 to $794.86.
U.S. Click Here to Enter | Canada Official Rules
Official Rules: US, Canada, Void Hawaii, Quebec, 18+/age of majority. Begins on April 29 and ends on May 5, 2018. One entry per person per day.
AMOE Mail-in: Print or type your name, address, city, state, zip code, e-mail address, day and evening telephone numbers on a 3” x 5” card, and mail in a stamped envelope to:
The Colossal Cricut Giveaway
Attn: Category Marketing Specialist
8000 Bent Branch Drive
Irving, TX 75063
Entries submitted by mail must be postmarked by May 2, 2018, and received by May 5, 2018 to be eligible.
Grand Prize (7): A random Cricut bundle from amongst the following:
- the Ideal Cricut Bundle for Quilting and Sewing ARV: $705.96
- the Greatest Cricut Gift for Mom Bundle. ARV $749.66
- A Year of Cricut Bundle. ARV $794.86
- the Make an Amazing Space Cricut Bundle. ARV $731.89
- the Cricut for Your and Your BFF Bundle. ARV $699.96
- the Fashion Lover’s Cricut Bundle. ARV $694.83
- the Ultimate Martha Stewart + Cricut Bundle. ARV $609.90
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