Wheel of Fortune wants to send your family on a Disney Cruise Line vacation to The Bahamas! Explore the Colonial charm of Nassau, make unforgettable memories on-board, or spend the day warm on the sand on a beautiful private island, Disney Castaway Cay.
If you missed watching the daily Wheel of Fortune show, you can get the daily Puzzle Solutions by logging into your Secret Site account, Follow @ssshotlist on Twitter (and turn on mobile notifications) or text follow ssshotlist to 40404 for code notifications when they come out.
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Click Here to Enter | Official Rules
Official Rules: open to US, DC, 18 and older. Begins at 3:00 PM PT on January 8 and ends on January 13. One entry per person per weekday puzzle + one bonus entry per day. Non-winning Sweepstakes Entries will NOT be retained for the subsequent daily sweepstakes drawings.
Watch the corresponding episode of the Show airing between January 8, 2018 and January 12, 2018 for the solution to that episode’s Bonus Round Puzzle. The Bonus Round Puzzle is the puzzle played by the Show contestant who has the highest cash/prize total at the end of the main game on the Show. Additionally, prospective Sweepstakes entrants will be able to earn an additional bonus entry if they are members of the Wheel Watchers Club.
Bonus Round Puzzle Solution must be correct for that designated episode of the Show to be eligible for the corresponding daily sweepstakes.
Five (5) Grand Prizes (one per day): A trip for the daily sweepstakes prize winner and up to three guests to the Bahamas. The daily sweepstakes prize consists of round-trip, coach-class air transportation from a major gateway airport near daily sweepstakes prize winner’s residence in the fifty (50) states of the U.S. or D.C. to Orlando, FL (winner is responsible for transportation to the major gateway airport; air transportation may include one or more stops); a four- night cruise to the Bahamas aboard the Disney Dream (single stateroom, quadruple occupancy, location/category at the discretion of Disney Cruise Line); airport transfer to/from Orlando International Airport and Port Canaveral; all meals aboard the Disney Dream (except Remy fine dining); one dinner for two adults in the exclusive adult only Palo restaurant); a $200 onboard credit for a treatment or service at Senses Spa & Salon; and pre-paid gratuities, Taxes, Fees, and Port Expenses ARV: $9,282.76
One (1) Overall Prize (awarded to one of the daily winners): One Wheel of Fortune Bathrobe; one Sherpa Blanket; one Sheldon Bobblehead; one Wheel of Fortune Baseball Cap; Pat & Vanna Talking Key Chains (one pair); one Wheel of Fortune aluminum water bottle; one Wheel of Fortune Travel Mug; one Wheel of Fortune Playing Cards Deck; one Wheel of Fortune Grocery Tote; one Wheel of Fortune Flashlight Key Ring; and one Wheel of Fortune Pen. ARV: $216.00
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