To celebrate the debut of the Certified Pre-Loved iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, Virgin Mobile is spreading the love & giving away one year of service plus a phone!
Official Rules: open to US, DC, 18 and older. Begins on January 26 and ends on February 28. Multiple entries in this Sweepstakes are encouraged, provided each entry contains a different testimonial from any previous entries.
Instagram and Twitter Entry:
- Follow @VirginMobileUSA on Instagram (Instagram Entries)
- Follow @VirginMobileUSA on Twitter (Twitter Entries)
Post a unique text or video to Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #VMULoveLetters #sweepstakes sharing a personal testimonial about why you love Virgin Mobile USA, and tag @VirginMobileUSA in the post, photo or description using a public profile. Video posts must be 30 seconds or less in length. Text posts must be 50 words or fewer.
Three (3) Grand Prizes: Apple iPhone (model and condition determined by Sponsor) and a complimentary one year subscription to the Virgin Mobile Inner Circle. After the complementary subscription period ends, regular rates apply. ARV: $1,075
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