Starting January 1, Kelly & Ryan will be hosting celebrities and cracking jokes. Watch them daily for today’s answer and you could win a trip package for the St. James’s Club Morgan Bay All-Inclusive resort in St. Lucia
If you missed watching the Kelly & Ryan show, you can get today’s answer by logging into your Secret Sweeps Account
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Click Here to Enter | Official Rules
Official Rules: open to US, DC, Canada (excluding Quebec), 18 and older. Begins on January 1 and ends on January 5. One entry per person per 24 hours.
All daily answers must be spelled correctly, any answer that is misspelled will not be considered a valid entry and any incorrect answer will not be eligible to win a prize.
One (1) Grand Prize: trip package to the St. James’s Club Morgan Bay All-Inclusive resort in St. Lucia. Hotel accommodations (one room, double occupancy) for six days/five nights in a beach front room (including room tax for 5 nights) for Winner and one travel companion (all expenses not specifically provided in the St. James’s Club Morgan Bay All-Inclusive resort package is the sole responsibility of the Winner). Two Roundtrip, coach fares for air travel from a major airport near winner’s residence to be selected by Sponsor on a Sponsor-selected carrier. ARV: $4,985
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