Look inside specially marked cereal packages to see if you have a winning sticker. If not, try again. Don’t have a Kellogg’s code and don’t want to make a purchase? You can send away for a free game code
Click Here to Enter | Official Rules
Official Rules: open to US, DC, 13 and older. Ends on April 30, 2018. Unlimited entries.
With Purchase Entry: Look inside any one of the following specially-marked packages of the following cereals for a winning sticker in the Kellogg’s™ – Hasbro Family Game Time Instant Win Game. If your specially-marked package contains a winning sticker inside, then you win the prize indicated on your winning sticker – subject to verification. If your specially-marked package does not contain a winning sticker, you are not a winner.
- Kellogg’s® Apple Jacks® cereal (8.7 oz., 12.2 oz., 17 oz. & 21.7 oz.)
- Kellogg’s® Cocoa Krispies® cereal (11 oz. & 15.5 oz.)
- Kellogg’s® Corn Pops® cereal (9.2 oz., 12.5 oz., 17.2 oz. & 21.4 oz.)
- Kellogg’s® Froot Loops® cereal (8.7 oz., 12.2 oz., 17 oz. & 21.7 oz.)
- Kellogg’s® Froot Loops® Marshmallow Blast cereal (12.6 oz.)
- Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes® cereal (10.5 oz.,15 oz.,19 oz. & 26.8 oz.)
- Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes® Cinnamon cereal (13.6 oz. & 26.8 oz.)
- Kellogg’s® Frosted Mini-Wheats® Blueberry cereal (15.5 oz.)
- Kellogg’s® Frosted Mini-Wheats Little Bites® Original cereal (15.2 oz.)
- Kellogg’s® Frosted Mini-Wheats Little Bites® Chocolate cereal (15.2 oz.)
- Kellogg’s® Frosted Mini-Wheats® Original cereal (18 oz. & 24 oz.)
- Kellogg’s® Frosted Mini-Wheats® Maple Brown Sugar cereal (15.5 oz.)
- Kellogg’s® Frosted Mini-Wheats® Strawberry cereal (15.5 oz.)
- Kellogg’s® Rice Krispies® cereal (9 oz., 12 oz., 18 oz. & 24 oz.)
- Kellogg’s Krave® Chocolate cereal (11.4 oz. & 19.9 oz.)
- Kellogg’s Krave® Double Chocolate cereal (11 oz.)
- Kellogg’s® Crispix® cereal (12 oz.)
Without Purchase Mail-in Code Request: send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Kellogg’s™ – Hasbro Family Game Time Instant Win Game
P.O. Box 7655
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-7655
VT residents may omit return postage. Request for free game piece/rules must be postmarked by 3/31/18 and received by 4/7/18. Limit one request per outer stamped mailing envelope.
To Claim A Prize: For prize claim and verification, follow the instructions provided on your winning sticker/game piece. Be sure to keep a copy of the winning sticker/game piece for your records and possible additional verification. Prize claims must be submitted by 4/30/18. Any winning sticker/game piece that is requested to be mailed in for additional verification becomes the property of Sponsor and will not be returned.
Go To: kelloggsweeps.com/Hasbro to verify your 14-character code and tell where to ship your prize. Must be submitted by 4/30/18.
Ten Thousand (10,000) Prizes: Each winner will receive a Hasbro Family Game Time Bundle consisting of one each of the following Hasbro games: Monopoly, The Game Of Life, Clue, Pie Face Sky High and Simon Optix. ARV: $99.95
Sanniyah says