Fill out the Places For Bikes survey for your chance to win a Trek bicycle, bike helmet, or bike shoes. In Fall 2017, PlacesForBikes will publish the first city ratings: a data-driven system identifying the best U.S. cities for bicycling and rewarding those that are improving the fastest. Want your town on the all-star list? The ratings will be based in part on your input. Everyone can participate regardless of where, how or why they ride. It asks questions such as how safe biking feels, whether it’s getting better, and where are your favorite places to ride. Click on the link below to take the 10 minute survey and share this link with family, friends, neighbors and colleagues. The more responses they get by April 15, the better picture they’ll have of local biking.
Eligibility: US, DC, 18 and older
Entry Dates: February 14, 2017 and ends on April 15, 2017 at 5:00 pm CT
Random Drawing: on or about April 22, 2017
Survey Entry Form | Official Rules
AMOE Mail-in Entry: printing your name, address and phone number on a 3″ x 5″ card and mailing it to:
Membership Survey
c/o PeopleForBikes
PO Box 2359
Boulder, CO, 80306
Entry Limit: one entry per person
One (1) First Prize: a Trek bicycle ARV: up to $1500
One (1) Second Prize: a pair of bike shoes. ARV: up to $399.99
One (1) Third Prize: a bike helmet. ARV: up to $199.99
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