Share a photo on Instagram demonstrating your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pose and you could win a private screening of TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES in your hometown for up to 250 people.
Sweepstakes Rating: Okay (Official Rules)
Eligibility: US, DC, 18 and older
Entry Dates: June 12, 2014 and ends on July 7, 2014 at 8:00 am ET
How to Enter:
- Follow @CrushSoda on Instagram
- Post a photo demonstrating your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pose, Include a CRUSH Logo in your photo product or download a free Crush logo at the website.
- Include both #Crushabunga and #contest in the text of your post
Entry Limit: one photo per day and 26 Photos in total
Three (3) Grand Prizes: a private screening of TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES for the winner and up to 250 guests at a movie theater or other location designated by Paramount. ARV: $2,050
Prize Limit: one prize per person per household
Judging Criteria: appropriateness to the Theme of Crush Ninja Pose (50%); overall quality of the photo (40%); and Playfulness within caption (10%). Winners will be notified by email or direct message on Instagram
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