The Omni-Freeze ZERO Cool Down celebrates the outdoors by awarding fans for buying Columbia product and sharing their experiences online. The most active explorers between May 1st and June 25th who earn the highest points, will earn the best outdoor gear.
Sweeps Rating: Okay
Eligibility: United States; Ages 18 and older
Entry Dates: May 1, 2014 ad ends on June 25, 2014 at 11:59 :59 PTZ
Program Periods:
Each period begins at 12:00 a.m. on the first day and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. on the last day indicated
- May 1, 2014 through May 14, 2014
- May 1 5, 2014 through May 28 , 2014
- May 29, 2014 through June 11, 2014
- June 12, 2014 through June 25, 2014
Website Entry | Official Rules
How to Earn Points:
No more than 4,200 points may be earned during each Reward Period based on any combination of purchases or AMOE submission
- Liking or following Columbia on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
- Sharing your experiences with Columbia products on Social Media through the links on the Program Site and using the hashtag #OmniFreezeZERO
- Purchasing eligible products from participating retailers.
- Submitting a request for points without making a purchase
Alternative Entry: A Member may earn points without making a purchase by legibly hand-printing Member’s legal first and last name, email address, complete street address and mailing address (if different) including city, state, and ZIP code, daytime telephone number and statement “AMOE Submission” on a 3” x 5” unlined card or paper and mailing in a postage – prepaid envelope with a return address to:
Attn: Omni-Freeze ZERO Cool-Down Rewards Program
PO Box 1598
Culver City, CA, 90232
DO NOT SEND ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS TO THIS ADDRESS. AMOE Submission, including both the outer envelope and the 3” x 5” card or paper, must be entirely handwritten. Outer envelope must include a return address in the upper left hand corner that matches Member’s street or mailing address. The name, telephone number and email on the AMOE Submission must substantially match the information on the Member’s registered account. AMOE Submission must be postmarked no later than June 25, 2014 and m ust be received by Lunchbox no later than June 30, 2014. Each AMOE Submission must be mailed in a separate stamped outer mailing envelope. An eligible AMOE submission will earn 300 points that are posted to an account effective as of the postmarked date .
- (1) Pontoon Boat
- (1) Spinning Reel & Rod Combo
- (1) Tackle Bag
- (3) Zero Rules™ Short Sleeve Shirt, Freezer Zero™ Bandana, Coolhead™ Visor
- (4) $25 Columbia E-gift Card
Drawing Date: ten members who accrued the most Points through 11:59:59 p.m. PTZ on the last day of such Reward Period will win: May 14, 2014; May 28, 2014; June 11, 2014; and June 25, 2014.
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